2014 Zorniak JNS - [PDF Document] (2024)


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LABORATORY INVESTIGATION J Neurosurg October 31, 2014 G LIOBLASTOMA multiforme (GBM) is a highly ma- lignant brain tumor for which the median survival is 14.6 months. 26 GBM often recurs despite maxi- mal tumor resection, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. Glioblastoma stem-like cells (GSCs) have been hypoth- esized to initiate tumor recurrence and are resistant to cur- rent therapeutic approaches. 2,3,7,16 Successful GBM thera- pies will need to address this recalcitrant tumor-initiating population of cells in combination with current strate- gies. 10 To date, isolation or enrichment of cancer stem-like cells has mainly involved strategies derived from normal stem cell biology. In hematopoietic, 4,21 breast, 1 and brain malignancies, 23–25 normal stem cell markers were used to first identify stem-like cancer cells, which were validated by their recapitulation of parental tumor pathology after serial implantation into immunodeficient mice. These ap- proaches were effective in enriching for stem-like can- cer cells; however, recent investigators have reported that some of the unlabeled cell populations also retain effi- cient tumor-initiating properties. 5,19 Moreover, the current markers cannot safely serve as drug targets because they are also expressed by normal adult self-renewing stem cells. Myelin-forming cell-specific cadherin-19 is a marker for minimally infiltrative glioblastoma stem-like cells Michael Zorniak, PhD, 1,2 Paul A. Clark, PhD, 2 and John S. Kuo, MD, PhD 1–5 1 Neuroscience Training Program, Departments of 2 Neurological Surgery and 3 Human Oncology, 4 Carbone Cancer Center, and 5 Center for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, Wisconsin OBJECT Glioblastoma stem-like cells (GSCs) exhibit stem-like properties, are highly efficient at forming tumor xeno- grafts, and are resistant to many current therapies. Current molecular identifiers of GSCs are scarce and controversial. The authors describe differential cell-surface gene expression profiling to identify GSC-specific markers. METHODS Independent human GSC lines were isolated and maintained in standard neural stem cell (NSC) media and were validated for self-renewal, multipotent differentiation, and tumor initiation properties. Candidate upregulated GSC- specific plasma membrane markers were identified through differential Affymetrix U133 Plus 2.0 Array gene expression profiling of GSCs, human NSCs (hNSCs), normal brain tissue, and primary/recurrent glioblastoma multiforme samples. Results were validated by using comparative quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and Western blot analysis of GSCs, hNSCs, normal human astrocytes, U87 glioma cell line, and patient-matched serum-cultured glio- blastoma multiforme samples. RESULTS A candidate GSC-specific signature of 19 upregulated known and novel plasma membrane–associated genes was identified. Preferential upregulation of these plasma membrane–linked genes was validated by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Cadherin-19 ( CDH19) protein expression was enhanced in minimally infiltrative GSC lines. CONCLUSIONS Gene expression profiling of GSCs has shown CDH19 to be an exciting new target for drug develop- ment and study of GBM tumorigenesis. http://thejns.org/doi/abs/10.3171/2014.9.JNS132373 KEY WORDS cadherin-19; CDH19; gene expression profiling; glioblastoma multiforme; glioblastoma stem-like cells; oncology ABBREVIATIONS ACTB = β-actin; CDH = cadherin; CNP = 2, 3-cyclic-nucleotide 3-phosphodiesterase; GBM = glioblastoma multiforme; GPC3 = glypican-3; GPR17 = G protein–coupled receptor 17; GSC = glioblastoma stem-like cell; HLA = human leukocyte antigen; hNSC = human neural stem cell; MCPIP = monocyte chemotactic pro- tein 1–induced protein; MHC = major histocompatibility complex; NCBI GEO = National Center for Biotechnology Information Gene Expression Omnibus; NCI REMBRANDT = National Cancer Institute Repository of Molecular Brain Neoplasia Database; NHA = normal human astrocyte; OPC = oligodendrocyte progenitor cell; qRT-PCR = quanti- tative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. SUBMITTED October 28, 2013. ACCEPTED September 18, 2014. INCLUDE WHEN CITING Published online October 31, 2014; DOI: 10.3171/2014.9.JNS132373. DISCLOSURE The authors report no conflict of interest concerning the materials or methods used in this study or the findings specified in this paper. 1 ©AANS, 2014

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2014 Zorniak JNS - [PDF Document] (3)

laboratory investigation

J neurosurg October 31, 2014

Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a highly ma-lignant brain tumor for which the median survival is 14.6 months.26 GBM often recurs despite maxi-

mal tumor resection, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. Glioblastoma stem-like cells (GSCs) have been hypoth-esized to initiate tumor recurrence and are resistant to cur-rent therapeutic approaches.2,3,7,16 Successful GBM thera-pies will need to address this recalcitrant tumor-initiating population of cells in combination with current strat e-gies.10

To date, isolation or enrichment of cancer stem-like cells has mainly involved strategies derived from normal

stem cell biology. In hematopoietic,4,21 breast,1 and brain malignancies,23–25 normal stem cell markers were used to first identify stem-like cancer cells, which were validated by their recapitulation of parental tumor pathology after serial implantation into immunodeficient mice. These ap-proaches were effective in enriching for stem-like can-cer cells; however, recent investigators have reported that some of the unlabeled cell populations also retain effi-cient tumor-initiating properties.5,19 Moreover, the current markers cannot safely serve as drug targets because they are also expressed by normal adult self-renewing stem cells.

Myelin-forming cell-specific cadherin-19 is a marker for minimally infiltrative glioblastoma stem-like cells

Michael Zorniak, PhD,1,2 Paul a. Clark, PhD,2 and John s. Kuo, MD, PhD1–5

1Neuroscience Training Program, Departments of 2Neurological Surgery and 3Human Oncology, 4Carbone Cancer Center, and 5Center for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, Wisconsin

obJeCt Glioblastoma stem-like cells (GSCs) exhibit stem-like properties, are highly efficient at forming tumor xeno-grafts, and are resistant to many current therapies. Current molecular identifiers of GSCs are scarce and controversial. The authors describe differential cell-surface gene expression profiling to identify GSC-specific markers.MethoDs Independent human GSC lines were isolated and maintained in standard neural stem cell (NSC) media and were validated for self-renewal, multipotent differentiation, and tumor initiation properties. Candidate upregulated GSC-specific plasma membrane markers were identified through differential Affymetrix U133 Plus 2.0 Array gene expression profiling of GSCs, human NSCs (hNSCs), normal brain tissue, and primary/recurrent glioblastoma multiforme samples. Results were validated by using comparative quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and Western blot analysis of GSCs, hNSCs, normal human astrocytes, U87 glioma cell line, and patient-matched serum-cultured glio-blastoma multiforme samples.results A candidate GSC-specific signature of 19 upregulated known and novel plasma membrane–associated genes was identified. Preferential upregulation of these plasma membrane–linked genes was validated by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Cadherin-19 (CDH19) protein expression was enhanced in minimally infiltrative GSC lines.ConClusions Gene expression profiling of GSCs has shown CDH19 to be an exciting new target for drug develop-ment and study of GBM tumorigenesis.http://thejns.org/doi/abs/10.3171/2014.9.JNS132373Key WorDs cadherin-19; CDH19; gene expression profiling; glioblastoma multiforme; glioblastoma stem-like cells; oncology

abbreviations ACTB = β-actin; CDH = cadherin; CNP = 2′, 3′-cyclic-nucleotide 3′-phosphodiesterase; GBM = glioblastoma multiforme; GPC3 = glypican-3; GPR17 = G protein–coupled receptor 17; GSC = glioblastoma stem-like cell; HLA = human leukocyte antigen; hNSC = human neural stem cell; MCPIP = monocyte chemotactic pro-tein 1–induced protein; MHC = major histocompatibility complex; NCBI GEO = National Center for Biotechnology Information Gene Expression Omnibus; NCI REMBRANDT = National Cancer Institute Repository of Molecular Brain Neoplasia Database; NHA = normal human astrocyte; OPC = oligodendrocyte progenitor cell; qRT-PCR = quanti-tative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction.subMitteD October 28, 2013. aCCePteD September 18, 2014.inCluDe When Citing Published online October 31, 2014; DOI: 10.3171/2014.9.JNS132373.DisClosure The authors report no conflict of interest concerning the materials or methods used in this study or the findings specified in this paper.

1©AANS, 2014

2014 Zorniak JNS - [PDF Document] (4)

M. Zorniak, P. a. Clark, and J. s. Kuo

J neurosurg October 31, 2014

We used an unbiased gene expression profiling–based approach to identify novel GSC-specific plasma mem-brane markers. Two GSC lines were characterized us-ing gene microarrays compared with human neural stem cells (hNSCs), normal human brain, primary GBM, and recurrent GBM tissue samples. After filtering for plasma membrane transcripts, 19 GSC transcripts with multiple probe sets were found upregulated in contrast to find-ings in normal controls and whole GBM tumor samples. Candidate genes were validated by quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) with two additional GSC lines along with normal hu-man astrocytes (NHAs), the U87 glioma cell line, and the serum-cultured, patient-matched GBM lines 22T and 33T. Expression of cadherin-19 (CDH19) is restricted to minimally infiltrative GSCs, with no detectable protein in other GSCs, GBM cell lines, or normal neural cell lines on immunoblotting. These findings suggest that CDH19 (a Type II atypical cadherin specific to myelinating cells during development)31 could serve as a feasible marker for GSC identification, isolation, and drug discovery.

MethodsgsC, gbM, and Control Cell line Culture

All studies were performed with approval from the University of Wisconsin–Madison Institutional Review Board with informed consent obtained from patients, and with approval from the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. Glioblastoma stem-like cells were isolated by following previously reported protocols,7,12,14,23,27 without the use of surface markers. Briefly, after the histological diagnosis was established based on WHO criteria, fresh GBM tissue was directly collected according to institu-tional review board–approved protocol, weighed, coarsely minced with a scalpel blade, and subsequently chopped twice at 200 μm using a tissue chopper (Sorvall Tissue Chopper, model TC-2, Diversified Equipment). Chopped tissue was directly plated in a suspension and cultured in the following passaging medium: 70% DMEM–high glucose, 30% Ham’s F12, 1× B27 supplement, 5 μg/ml heparin, and penicillin-streptomycin-amphotericin, sup-plemented with 20 ng/ml each of human recombinant epi-dermal growth factor and bovine fibroblast growth fac-tor.27 Sphere cultures were passaged approximately every 7 days by tissue chopping twice at 100 μm. Individual patient-derived GSC lines 12.1, 22, 33, and 44 were cul-tured in suspension, and they were rigorously validated for self-renewal by neurosphere formation, expression of stem cell markers (i.e., AC/CD133), multipotency, tumor initiation, and serial implantation in nonobese diabetic/se-vere combined immunodeficient (also called NOD-SCID) mice (Harlan Sprague-Dawley).8,30 Standard serum condi-tions were used to maintain patient-matched 22T and 33T GBM bulk tumor lines and U87 and normal human astro-cyte (NHA) lines (DMEM, 10% fetal bovine serum, 1% antibiotics; Invitrogen). GSCs were compared with hN-SCs and were maintained as previously described.27 Es-tablishment and cryopreservation of cell cultures ranged from Passages 1 to 10. Cells used for experiments ranged from Passages 20 to 25.

Gene Expression ProfilingPooled gene expression profiling of human GSC lines

12.1 and 22 (n = 2) (National Center for Biotechnology Information Gene Expression Omnibus [NCBI GEO] ac-cession nos. GSM1253303 and GSM1253304, respective-ly) were compared with hNSCs M031 CTX (n = 2) (NCBI GEO accession nos. GSM458064 and GSM458065), nor-mal human brain tissue (n = 21), primary GBM tumors (n = 21), and recurrent GBM tumors (n = 22) (Table 1). Total RNA was extracted from GSCs with an RNeasy Kit (Qiagen), and samples were then sent to LC Sciences for final gene expression processing and analysis. In brief, total RNA was reverse transcribed with T7-Oligo(dT) primers. After cleanup of cDNA, cRNA was synthesized using in vitro transcription (3′ IVT). cRNA was bioti-nylated and fragmented before hybridization to a U133 Plus 2.0 Array (Affymetrix) that contained probes for over 47,000 transcripts. Hybridized cRNA was labeled with streptavidin-phycoerythrin for visualization. Hy-bridization images were collected using a laser scanner (GenePix 4000B, Molecular Devices) and digitized using Array-Pro image analysis software (Media Cybernetics). U133 Plus 2.0 Array gene expression profiles for hNSCs were obtained from Dr. Clive Svendsen. Profiling data of gross tissue samples of normal human brain, primary GBM, and recurrent GBM were obtained from the Na-tional Cancer Institute Repository of Molecular Brain Neoplasia Database (NCI REMBRANDT) (Table 1). All of the expression profiles were batch-normalized by a robust multichip average algorithm using the Geospiza GeneSifter (PerkinElmer) online microarray database and analysis software. The data were then exported into Microsoft Office Excel (2010) and organized for GSC transcripts with raw intensity values 10-fold or higher over normal brain, hNSC, primary GBM, and recurrent GBM samples. The reverse-sorting algorithm was done to obtain downregulated GSC transcripts (NCBI GEO ac-cession no. GSE51822). This analysis provided a list of upregulated plasma membrane transcripts in GSCs (Fig. 1). Since each transcript has multiple probes on U133 Plus 2.0 Arrays, all the probes for an upregulated transcript are shown to demonstrate signal redundancy. The data are represented as a heat map of raw intensity values with the provided scale.

qRT-PCR Validation of mRNA Expression ProfilesGene expression profiling was validated by quanti-

tative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) to confirm differential upregulation of GSC transcripts. RNA was isolated from the following cell lines using the RNeasy Kit: GSCs 12.1, 22, 33, and 44; hNSCs; NHAs; and serum cultured GBM tumor lines 22T and 33T. Isolated RNA was reverse transcribed with the Omniscript Reverse Transcription Kit (Qiagen) to create a cDNA pool for each cell line. A nonadeoxyribonucleo-tide random primer mixture (TaKaRa) and human pla-cental optizyme ribonuclease inhibitor (Fisher Scientific) were used for reverse transcription per the manufacturer’s instructions. Quantitative PCR was performed with the EXPRESS SYBR GreenER qPCR Supermix Universal Kit (Invitrogen). Reactions were scaled down to 20 μl,


2014 Zorniak JNS - [PDF Document] (5)

Cadherin-19 is a minimally infiltrative gsC marker

J neurosurg October 31, 2014

combined in an ABI Prism 96-well optical reaction plate, and loaded into an ABI Prism 7000 unit (Applied Biosys-tems). Primers were designed according to online tools at Integrated DNA Technologies (http://www.idtdna.com) and only chosen if the predicted amplicon contained 2 exon regions and a melting temperature near 60°C (Table 2). Intron spanning and gene specificity were confirmed by an NCBI BLAST search (http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov). 18S rRNA was used as the reference gene. hNSC cycle threshold, or C(t), values were used as the calibrator for calculations. All other cell lines were set as the tar-get. C(t) values were chosen during linear growth of the produced sigmoidal curves. Gene expression was quanti-fied by the DDC(t) method. In brief, the DC(t) value was calculated by subtracting the C(t) of the target from the reference values. The DDC(t) was calculated by subtract-ing the DC(t) of the target from the calibrator. Finally, the formula, 2^(- DDC(t)), was used to report fold change dif-ferences over the calibrator value.

immunoblotting analysisImmunoblotting was performed as described.30 Cells

were lysed using cell extraction buffer (catalog no. FNN0011, Invitrogen) containing protease inhibitor co*ck-tail (P8340, Sigma-Aldrich). Total protein was quantified using an EZQ Protein Quantification assay (R33200, In-vitrogen). Thirty micrograms of protein was resuspended in 2× reducing sample buffer (LC2676, Invitrogen), elec-trophoresed on 10%–20% tris-glycine gels (Invitrogen),

transferred using a semidry transfer system (Bio-Rad) to polyvinylidene difluoride membranes (Millipore), and probed with Ms-pAb-anti-CDH19 (H00028513-B01P, Abnova) at 1:250, identified at approximately 114k kDa. Rb-pAb-anti-ACTB (ab8227, abcam) at 1:2000 was used as a loading control. Immunocomplexes were detected using luminescence Supersignal West Pico Substrate (Thermo Scientific) per manufacturer’s instructions.

resultsDifferential Plasma Membrane transcripts in gsCs

Gene expression profiles were sorted for differentially upregulated (> 10-fold) GSC plasma membrane transcripts compared with normal human (nontumor) brain, hNSCs, and primary GBM and recurrent GBM (Fig. 1A). Nine-teen distinct transcripts with multiple redundant probe sets were found to be specifically upregulated in GSCs (Fig. 1B). As expected, PROM1 (i.e., CD133) expression in GSCs was not meaningfully upregulated (2.2-fold) compared with hNSCs, thus demonstrating the validity of our approach. Additionally, a set of downregulated GSC transcripts was generated that included reduced expres-sion of 3 different human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genes (HLA-DRB1, HLA-DPA1, and HLA-DRA) in GSCs (Fig. 2).

CDH19 Is Upregulated in Minimally Infiltrative GSCsqRT-PCR primers were designed for the signature of

TABLE 1. Gene expression profile file names downloaded from NCI REMBRANDT

No. Normal Human Brain GBM Primary GBM Recurrent

1 NT_HF0088_U133P2 1_E09233_U133P2 2_E09138_U133P22 NT_HF0120_U133P2 1_E09405_U133P2 2_E09139_U133P23 NT_HF0131_U133P2 1_E09451_U133P2 2_E09167_U133P24 NT_HF0137_U133P2 1_E09489_U133P2 2_E09192_U133P25 NT_HF0151_U133P2 1_E09511_U133P2 2_E09231_U133P26 NT_HF0163_U133P2 1_E09531_U133P2 2_E09483_U133P27 NT_HF0171_U133P2 1_E09654_U133P2 2_E09546_U133P28 NT_HF0178_U133P2 1_E09698_U133P2 2_E09601_U133P29 NT_HF0211_U133P2 1_E09704_U133P2 2_E09602_U133P2

10 NT_HF0232_U133P2 1_E09774_U133P2 2_E09606_U133P211 NT_HF0295_U133P2 1_E09782_U133P2 2_E09610_U133P212 NT_HF0303_U133P2 1_E09832_U133P2 2_E09624_U133P213 NT_HF0377_U133P2 1_E09846_U133P2 2_E09647_U133P214 NT_HF0383_U133P2 1_E09847_U133P2 2_E09649_U133P215 NT_HF0467_U133P2 1_E09857_U133P2 2_E09670_U133P216 NT_HF0512_U133P2 1_E09910_U133P2 2_E09787_U133P217 NT_HF0523_U133P2 1_E09917_U133P2 2_E09791_U133P218 NT_HF0526_U133P2 1_E09938_U133P2 2_E09802_U133P219 NT_HF0533_U133P2 1_E09964_U133P2 2_E09852_U133P220 NT_HF0593_U133P2 1_E09967_U133P2 2_E09868_U133P221 NT_HF0616_U133P2 1_E09998_U133P2 2_E09930_U133P222 NA NA 2_E09965_U133P2

NA = not applicable.


2014 Zorniak JNS - [PDF Document] (6)

M. Zorniak, P. a. Clark, and J. s. Kuo

J neurosurg October 31, 2014

19 upregulated GSC plasma membrane transcripts to val-idate the mRNA expression profiles (Table 2). Additional GSC lines 33 and 44 were added to this analysis along with serum-cultured NHAs, the U87 glioma cell line, and the patient-matched GBM lines 22T and 33T. GBM lines are representative of the non–stem-like cancer cell popu-

lation. CDH19 demonstrated elevated transcript levels across all GSC samples compared with hNSCs, NHAs, the U87 cell line, and the GBM lines 22T and 33T (Fig. 3A). SLC1A1, TSPAN31, COL20A1, GPR17, and GPC3 also maintained similar expression profiles in qRT-PCR compared with the mRNA microarrays; however, their

Fig. 1. Nineteen upregulated plasma membrane GSC-specific transcripts. a: Logic diagram showing how gene expression pro-files were sorted to identify GSC-specific transcripts (asterisk). Normal human brain (n = 21), primary GBM (n = 21), and recurrent GBM (n = 22) gene expression profiles were obtained from NCI REMBRANDT (see Table 1). GSCs (n = 2) were isolated from two patients at the University of Wisconsin. hNSCs (n = 2) were isolated from two human fetal brains. b: Heat map with accompany-ing color key of raw intensity values from gene expression profiles. Data were filtered for plasma membrane transcripts and gated for GSC values greater than a 10-fold change above all other samples. Acronyms correspond to official gene symbols found online at the NCBI. Multiple probe sets shown to demonstrate internal reproducibility.


2014 Zorniak JNS - [PDF Document] (7)

Cadherin-19 is a minimally infiltrative gsC marker

J neurosurg October 31, 2014

upregulation did not uniformly extend to GSC lines 33 and 44. Western blot analysis confirmed 12.1 and 22 GSC-specific expression of CDH19 (Fig. 3B). These two GSC lines express oligodendrocyte and neural progeni-tor markers and were previously profiled as minimally infiltrative in xenograft studies.30 The GSC lines 33 and 44 did not express CDH19 at the protein level (data not shown).

CDH19 expression in normal human tissues and gbM tumors

In human tissues, CDH19 transcript (probe ID: 206898_at) was expressed meaningfully in only two tis-sues, olfactory bulb and dorsal root ganglion (Fig. 4), but their respective raw intensity levels, approximately 700 and 500, were lower than the approximate 2000 we observed in GSCs (Fig. 1B). Interestingly, patients with tumors expressing elevated levels (> 2-fold, n = 27) of CDH19 in the NCI REMBRANDT database had a signifi-cantly higher survival probability than those expressing intermediate levels (p = 0.03, log-rank test) (Fig. 5). Al-though inclusion of downregulated samples provided no statistically significant increase in survival probability (p = 0.07, log-rank test), it still offered a robust trend toward higher survival probability.

DiscussionWe report the identification of CDH19 as a marker

for minimally infiltrative GSCs through gene expression profiling, qRT-PCR, and immunoblot analysis correlated to animal tumor xenograft studies. CDH19 expression is

restricted to cells responsible for myelination in the devel-oping nervous systems of chickens and rats and maintains low expression in the adult human olfactory bulb and dor-sal root ganglia.15,28 Our understanding of atypical Type II cadherin biology remains sparse,18 yet the little we know about CDH19 has prompted further investigation into its role in GBM tumorigenesis.

Crystallographic studies determined that Type II cadherins mediate hom*odimeric adhesion through their EC1 domain, similarly to Type I cadherins, yet structur-al differences suggest the inability of Type II cadherins to cross-interact with Type I cadherins, thereby confer-ring confined functionality within tissues.18 CDH19 is expressed developmentally in chicken Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes15 and in rat Schwann cell precur-sors and cranial ganglia.28 Restricted cellular expression of Type II cadherins in the developing nervous system and their functional isolation from other cadherin family members make them ideal potential markers and targets for GSC identification, isolation, and drug discovery.

CDH19-restricted expression in minimally infiltrative GSCs and its potential role in enhancing survival prob-ability in GBM patients may not be a coincidence. GSC lines 12.1 and 22 morphologically resemble oligoden-drocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) and express OPC mark-ers such as 2′, 3′-cyclic-nucleotide 3′-phosphodiesterase (CNP), a prognostically favorable immunohistochemical marker for GBM.30 Likewise, CDH19 upregulation was prognostically favorable in NCI REMBRANDT against a subset of samples (Fig. 5). Since CDH19 expression is limited to the GSCs, pooled mRNA transcripts from a whole-tumor sample are likely diluted for this analytical

TABLE 2. qRT-PCR primers for gene expression profile validation

HGNC Forward (5′–3′) Reverse (5′–3′) CDS Exons


CDS = coding sequence; HGNC = Human Gene Nomenclature Committee–approved gene symbol.


2014 Zorniak JNS - [PDF Document] (8)

M. Zorniak, P. a. Clark, and J. s. Kuo

J neurosurg October 31, 2014

marker. Immunohistochemical labeling seems to improve GSC resolution, as we observed with pockets of CNP expression in a clinically annotated GBM tissue micro-array,30 yet CNP was not prognostically favorable in the samples of NCI REMBRANDT.

Examination of recent work published in the literature revealed a potential tumorigenic role for Type II cadher-ins. Transcriptional regulation of CDH19 and CDH12 was reportedly targeted by monocyte chemotactic protein 1–induced protein (MCPIP), which promoted capillary-

like tube formation in human umbilical vein endothelial cells.17 MCPIP knockdown occurred via small interfering RNA-suppressed angiogenesis-related genes VEGF and HIF1A, CDH19, and CDH12 and reduced capillary-like tube formation. Pathologically, vascular endothelial pro-liferation is observed in OPC-like minimally infiltrative GSC xenografts, but not in tumor xenografts from highly invasive GSCs that express abundant astrocyte progenitor cell markers.30 Perhaps CDH19-related upregulation of angiogenic signaling enables certain GSCs to grow into focal tumors instead of invading the normal brain paren-chyma. Conversely, another Type II cadherin was found expressed as proteins in GBM and GSCs: cadherin-11 (CDH11). Knockdown of CDH11 in serum-cultured U87

Fig. 3. Cadherin-19 is specifically expressed in minimally infiltrative GSCs. a: Heat map of qRT-PCR validation of all candidate GSC cell-surface markers. Additional GSC lines, 33 and 44, were evaluated in comparison with hNSCs, NHAs, U87 glioma cells, and patient-matched serum-cultured GBM tumor cells 22T and 33T. Data are representa-tive of 2 experimental repetitions normalized to hNSCs and reported as a fold change value with accompanying color key. b: Western blot analysis of CDH19 specifically expressed in GSC lines 12.1 and 22. Ms-pAb-anti-CDH19 at 1:250, identified at approximately 114k kDa; Rb-pAb-ACTB at 1:2000 was used as a loading control.

Fig. 2. Thirteen downregulated plasma membrane GSC-specific tran-scripts. Heat map with accompanying color key of raw intensity values from gene expression profiles. Data were filtered for plasma membrane transcripts and gated for GSC values less than 10-fold change below all other samples. Acronyms correspond to official gene symbols found online at the NCBI. Multiple probe sets shown to demonstrate internal reproducibility.


2014 Zorniak JNS - [PDF Document] (9)

Cadherin-19 is a minimally infiltrative gsC marker

J neurosurg October 31, 2014

and LN-229 GBM tumor cells reduced migration in a scratch wound assay and shortened survival in a flank xenograft model.13 Thus, each cadherin family member exerts different properties and must be studied indepen-dently to appreciate the extent of their involvement in GBM tumorigenesis.

In addition to CDH19, other differentially expressed transcripts associated with cancer and oligodendrocyte biology were revealed in our studies. Glypican-3 (GPC3) transcript was upregulated in minimally infiltrative GSCs and confirmed by qRT-PCR; it was also described as a bona fide marker and drug target for hepatocellular car-cinoma,9 and it was highly correlated with CD90+ liver cancer stem-like cells.11 This is the first report to establish GPC3’s relationship to GBM. Likewise, upregulation of oligodendrocyte-specific G protein–coupled receptor 17 (GPR17) mRNA was validated in GSC lines 12.1 and 22, described as an intrinsic timer of myelination,6 thereby strengthening the OPC-like resemblance of these GSCs.

Three downregulated transcripts of interest were HLA Class II genes, HLA-DRB1, HLA-DPA1, and HLA-DRA, also known as major histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins. Typically in these gene expression profiles, we observe low levels in the human brain, higher levels in GBM tumors, and downregulated expression in GSCs. Most astrocytomas are infiltrated with immune-effector cells, primarily consisting of cytotoxic T cells and mac-rophages,20 presumably due to expression of HLA/MHC Class II genes, as we have observed. This response can be activated by cytokine-based immunotherapy that targets HLA/MHC Class II molecules,22 but their eventual fail-ure against GBMs may be due to the absence or low ex-pression of HLA/MHC Class II molecules in GSCs that is responsible for initiating and maintaining tumor growth.

ConclusionsOur data and analysis have shown that CDH19 may be

a suitable marker and drug target for minimally infiltra-tive GSCs. Its low expression in developing neuroectoder-mal tissue, specific upregulation in GSCs, and potential angiogenic role in tumorigenesis have prompted further development of research tools for study. Currently, no an-tibodies exist for live cell surface labeling of CDH19 that would help reveal possible associations with GSC tumor initiation. Since CDH19 is typically a hom*odimerizing plasma membrane protein, purified CDH19 conjugated with corresponding visualization chemistries could po-tentially be used as a research tool; however, potential heteromeric cadherin-nectin complexes may complicate this analysis.29 Future experiments are planned to address CDH19’s potential involvement in GSC tumor initiation, angiogenesis, migration, and proliferation. Moreover, characterization of CDH19 in lower-grade gliomas and oligodendrogliomas may provide more insights to glioma biology.

AcknowledgmentsWe thank Priya Ezhilan, Daniel Treisman, Jonathan D. Ebben,

and Frank Hospod for expert technical assistance. Expert advice was generously provided by C. Svendsen, R. Vemuganti, and S. Zhang. We appreciate support from NIH (grant nos.T32GM007507, UL1RR025011, RC4AA020476, NCI HHSN261201000130C, and P30CA014520), the Wisconsin Partnership Program core grant support of the Center for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, the University of Wisconsin (Graduate School, School of Medicine and Public Health and Department of Neurological Surgery), the HEADRUSH Brain Tumor Research Professorship, and Roger

Fig. 4. Cadherin-19 transcript found in olfactory bulb and dorsal root ganglia from human tissue in BioGPS. Compiled from gene expression profiles (probe ID: 206898_at). Accessed June 5, 2013 (http://biogps.org). Figure is available in color online only.


2014 Zorniak JNS - [PDF Document] (10)

M. Zorniak, P. a. Clark, and J. s. Kuo

J neurosurg October 31, 2014

Loff Memorial Fund for GBM Research. The hNSCs were a kind gift from Dr. C. Svendsen (Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California).

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author ContributionsConception and design: all authors. Acquisition of data: Zorniak, Clark. Analysis and interpretation of data: all authors. Drafting the article: Zorniak. Critically revising the article: all authors. Reviewed submitted version of manuscript: all authors. Approved the final version of the manuscript on behalf of all authors: Kuo. Statistical analysis: Zorniak. Administrative/technical/material support: Kuo, Clark. Study supervision: all authors.

supplemental informationDatabase Repository and Accession Numbers GSC lines 12.1 (NCBI GEO accession no. GSM1253303) and 22 GSC (NCBI GEO accession no. GSM1253304); hNSCs M031 CTX (NCBI GEO accession nos. GSM458064 and GSM458065); Normal Human Brain, GBM Primary, GBM Recurrent (NCI REMBRANDT; Table 1).

CorrespondenceJohn S. Kuo, Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Box 8660 Clinical Science Center, 600 Highland Ave., Madison, WI 53792-8660. email: [emailprotected].


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