5 Easy Tortilla Roll-Up Recipes (2024)

If you look through my bento lunch ideas gallery you may notice that I am a big fan of tortilla wraps and pack them a lot in my son's packed lunches. They are so versatile and can really keep things interesting as an alternative to sandwiches. I find myself putting so many fillings in tortilla wraps that I wouldn't think to put in an ordinary sandwich, so I thought it was worth sharing some of the recipes I like to use, starting with fiveeasy tortilla roll-up recipes in today's post.

5 Easy Tortilla Roll-Up Recipes (1)

All of these recipes can be adapted to suit your tastes - if you don't like an ingredient feel free to miss it out or replace it with another! I've tried to show a few different ways of presenting tortilla roll-ups in this post too, so you can mix and match the presentation ideas with the fillings. I usually use wholewheat or seeded tortilla wraps, but you could use whatever type you prefer. I'm planning on having a go at making my own homemade wraps soon too, so watch out for that recipe which will hopefully be coming soon!

I've made a quick video tutorial to go with these recipes which you'll find below, you canclick hereto watch it on YouTube if it doesn’t load for you and dosubscribe to the Eats Amazing YouTube channelwhile you’re there for lots more easy recipes and fun food tutorials! Scroll further down this post for the full recipe for eachtortilla wrap.

5 Easy Tortilla Roll-Up Recipes (2)

Cream Cheese, Ham & Spinach Tortilla Pinwheels


  • 1 wholewheat tortilla wrap
  • 1 Tbs cream cheese
  • 3 slices ham
  • handful baby spinach leaves


Heat the tortilla wrap in the microwave for 10-15 seconds until warmed through and slightly softened.

Spread the cream cheese over the tortilla wrap, making sure you go right to the edges so that the cream cheese helps to hold the wrap together.

Lay the ham slices in a line across the centre of the wrap. Top with the spinach leaves, then roll the wrap up as tightly as possible, tucking in the ends as you do so.

Slice the wrap into 6-8 bite sized pieces and pack into a bento box or lunch box.

5 Easy Tortilla Roll-Up Recipes (3)

Pesto, Cheese & Tomato Tortilla Roll-Up


  • 1 wholewheat tortilla wrap
  • 2 tsp red pesto
  • handful grated cheddar cheese
  • 1 tomato


Heat the tortilla wrap in the microwave for 10-15 seconds until warmed through and slightly softened.

Spread the pesto evenly over the tortilla wrap, spreading right to the edges.

Sprinkle over the grated cheddar cheese to cover.

Chop the tomato, then sprinkle over the bottom half of the wrap.

Roll the wrap up as tightly as possible, starting with the side the tomato has been sprinkled on so the tomato ends up in the middle of the rolled up wrap a tucking the ends in as you go.

Slice the wrap in half andpack into a bento box or lunch box.

This wrap is delicious warm too - simple pop it into the oven for 8-10 minutes to heat through or give it a quick 20-30 second blast in the microwave before eating.

5 Easy Tortilla Roll-Up Recipes (4)

Skewered Houmous, Pepper & Feta Tortilla Spirals


  • 1 wholewheat tortilla wrap
  • 1 Tbs houmous
  • 1 roasted red pepper (from a jar)
  • 25g feta cheese


Heat the tortilla wrap in the microwave for 10-15 seconds until warmed through and slightly softened.

Spread the houmousover the tortilla wrap, making sure you go right to the edges so that the houmoushelps to hold the wrap together.

Drain the red pepper and chop it into strips, then pop the strips on top of the houmous.

Sprinkle over the feta cheese, then roll the wrap up as tightly as possible, tucking in the ends as you do so.

Slice into 6 pieces and skewer the pieces on plastic or bamboo skewers to serve.

Pack the skewers in a bento box or lunch boxor serve immediately if eating at home.

5 Easy Tortilla Roll-Up Recipes (5)

Rainbow Vegetable Tortilla Wrap


  • 1 seeded tortilla wrap
  • 1 ½ Tbs cream cheese
  • 1 small cooked & peeled beetroot
  • ½ carrot
  • ½ yellow pepper
  • handful spinach leaves


Prepare the vegetables: slice the beetroot, peel and slice the carrot into thin strips, de-seed the pepper and slice into thin strips, wash the spinach leaves and cut in half if they are large.

Heat the tortilla wrap in the microwave for 10-15 seconds until warmed through and slightly softened.

Spread a liberal layer of cream cheese over the whole tortilla.

Place the vegetables on top of the cheese in layers as shown in the videotutorial video(step by step photos of this recipe can also found in this blog post: Rainbow wrap recipe) Fold up the top and bottom of the wrap, then tightly roll, spreading a little extra cheese on the last bit of wrap to help ‘glue’ it in place if needed.

Slice in half at an angle then pack immediately in a bento box or lunch box.

5 Easy Tortilla Roll-Up Recipes (6)

Cream Cheese Breakfast Tortilla Roll-Ups


  • 1 wholewheat tortilla wrap
  • 1 Tbs cream cheese
  • 1 tsp honey
  • small handful granola
  • 2-3 strawberries, chopped
  • 8-10 raspberries


Heat the tortilla wrap in the microwave for 10-15 seconds until warmed through and slightly softened.

Spread the cream cheese over the tortilla wrap, making sure you go right to the edges so that the cream cheese helps to hold the wrap together.

Drizzle a little honey over the cream cheese, then sprinkleover the granola.

Scatter the chopped strawberries and raspberries over the granola, thenroll the wrap up as tightly as possible, tucking in the ends as you do so.

Slice the wrap into 4 pieces and pack into a bento box or lunch box, or serve immediately for an extra delicious breakfast!

If you've still got some tortilla wraps leftover and are looking for more ideas, check out these delicious tortilla recipes from some of my blogging friends!

I hope you’ve enjoyed these tortilla roll-uprecipes, do pop back and let me knowif you make them and any variations you choose to make!


5 Easy Tortilla Roll-Up Recipes (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.