Apply to Entertainment Industry Management | CMU Heinz (2024)

The Master of Entertainment Industry Management (MEIM) program welcomes any individual with an interest in how screen-based entertainment is produced, developed, packaged, financed, marketed, and distributed. Before you begin the application process, it is important for you to review the information below regarding the application deadline and requirements. Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) undergraduate students applying to the Accelerated Masters Program (AMP) track of MEIM should also note the additional application requirements listed below.

If you’re looking forMEIM program overview, including information regarding curriculum, faculty experts, experiential learning, scholarships and financial aid, or career outcomes, please visit the MEIM main page.

MEIM Program Page

Before you begin your online application, please carefully review the information below.


The final admission application deadline in order to be considered for all of our scholarship and fellowship support is January 10, but we will continue to accept applications after the deadline as long as space remains in the incoming class. To submit the application, you’ll need to do the following:

  • answer required questions within the online application form
  • upload required essay and résumé
  • register each recommender's name and email address
  • enter test date and registration number for any required standardized test(s)

Supporting materials (transcripts, test scores, recommendations) can arrive after the deadline without negatively impacting your admission decision or scholarship review. Applications are reviewedafter all required materials have been received. Certain scholarship awards may be limited for applications received after the deadline. Please contact theOffice of Admissionsif you are interested in submitting an application after the published deadline.

Schedule a Visit

Schedule a visit to our campus to learn more about CMU and interact with current MEIM students and faculty members.

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Attend an Online Info Session

Register to attend an upcoming live webinar, or view any of our previously recorded webinars at your convenience.

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Attend Fall Visitation

Register for our Fall Visitation, where you can meet fellow applicants, current students, and faculty members.

Learn more and Register

Connect with a Current Student

Find out how you can connect with a current MEIM student via email to learn more about the program.

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Application Checklist

Before you begin the online application process, please carefully review the list of application requirements and admission criteria for the Master of Entertainment Industry Management (MEIM) program.

The Admissions Committee takes a holistic approach to reviewing applications, and we will complete the review of your application after we have received all of your application materials.

  • Online Application Form

    You must submit a completed application form via our online application system to be considered for admission to Heinz College. Heinz College does not charge an application fee.

    Apply Online Now

  • Transcripts

    You must provide documentation of your completed undergraduate degree (a bachelor's degree or its equivalent) from a regionally accredited institution prior to matriculation. If you have not completed your bachelor's degree by the time you submit your application for admission to Heinz College, you may be admitted on the condition that you submit your final transcript, including your date of graduation, prior to the start of your first semester at Heinz College. Transcripts from institutions outside of the United States must be submitted via a Transcript Service.

    Click here for detailed instructions on submitting your transcript

  • GRE or GMAT Scores (optional)

    GRE/GMAT or Quantitative Coursework (Quantitative Skills Requirements)

    For the current admission cycle, submission of GRE/GMAT test results will be optional but recommended as part of the holistic review and evaluation of applications.

    At Heinz College, we are committed to reducing barriers and increasing access for all applicants. We assess applicants holistically and take into consideration many factors, including quantitative background and experience. Quantitative skills can be demonstrated by performance in math courses and/or standardized test scores.

    In order to ensure you are prepared to succeed in our program, we request that you demonstrateyour quantitative skills in at least one of the following ways:

    1. Submission of GRE/GMAT results*, and/or
    2. Demonstrate completion of a college-level algebra course (or a higher level of math) with a grade of B or higher. The course can be completed any time prior to submitting your application so you can include the transcript as part of your application packet. Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus can satisfy this requirement if it appears on the undergraduate transcript as college credit. Only classes listed on the undergraduate or other official transcript(s) will be considered.

    Strong applicants who do not demonstrate the necessary math proficiency within their application may be admitted conditionally and invited to attend Heinz College’s quantitative bridge program the Quantitative Skills Summer Program, QSSP (see below for details), take a college-level algebra class and/or take the GRE/GMAT as a condition of their acceptance.

    *Should I submit GRE/GMAT Scores?

    As noted, quantitative skills can also be demonstrated by the submission of GRE/GMAT scores. For applicants who cannot demonstrate that proficiency through prior coursework, we strongly recommend submitting GRE/GMAT scores to demonstrate their quantitative skills.

    You can submit official GRE or GMAT scores via the testing service as described on our website: How to Submit Standardized Test Scores to Heinz College.

    Regardless of your prior math coursework, if you have taken the GRE/ GMAT, we encourage you to share the scores as part of your application for consideration. Your scores can provide the admissions committee a more complete understanding of your quantitative preparation and how our school can support your academic success.

  • English Language Proficiency Exam Results (TOEFL, IELTS or Duolingo)

    If your native language (mother tongue) isnotEnglish, you are required to submit an official score report from the TOEFL, IELTS, or the Duolingo English Test.The only exceptions are for:

    1. students who have worked or studied for five or more years in Australia, Botswana, Canada, Eswatini (formerly Swaziland),Ghana, Ireland, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Singapore, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States, and/or Zambia.
    2. Students who studied for 4 years of their undergrad education in the United States and earned their bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited US school (students are encouraged to provide unofficial copies of the English Language Proficiency exam they used when they applied to their undergraduate institution as part of their application to Heinz College).

    Students who are required to submit test scores must have them reported directly to Heinz College by the testing service.When required, we strongly recommend that you take the exam at least one month prior to the application deadline.

    Click for detailed instructions on submitting your English proficiency results

  • Recommendations

    You are required to have two (2) recommendation forms submitted on your behalf. Recommendations should be provided by employers, supervisors, professors, or others who are able to comment on your professional and educational goals and potential. At least one (1) of your recommenders should know you in a professional setting (full-time employment, internship, part-time employment, research, non-academic extracurricular activity, etc.). You may opt to have up to three (3) recommendations submitted in support of your application.

    Please note: recommendations from friends, family members or acquaintances, and other sources not able to evaluate applicants on an academic or professional basis, will not be accepted.

    Letters of recommendation must be written in or translated into English.Your recommendations must be submitted electronically through the online application systemby your recommenders.We do not accept recommendations submitted on paper.

    Click here for detailed instructions on submitting your recommendations

  • Professional Résumé

    You are required toupload your résumé to the application system. Please submit a one- or two-page summary of your educational background, skills, accomplishments, employment experiences, and volunteer experiences. The résuméMUSTbe current and include all part-time and full-time work experience, the dates of when the employment began and ended, and a brief description of your responsibilities under the title of the position. Click here for an example of a résumé.

    Please consider using the "Optional Essay" to address the reason for any "gap" in your résumé, if applicable.

    Your résumé should contain only true information and your own,originalcontent. If you include a quote or text written byanyother person or published inanyprinted or online format, you must surround the copied text in quotation marks (") and indicate the original source of the text. Information reported on your résumé is subject to verification. The Heinz College Office of Admissions utilizes several methods to identify plagiarized and falsified content in uploaded documents.Submission of false or plagiarized material as part of the application for admission may result in automatic denial of admission to any degree program.

  • Required Essay

    Your essay should address the following 3 questions. We recommend that your total essay length should be 700 words minimum (up to 1100 words suggested maximum). It is acceptable, but not required, to copy and paste the questions below into your essay.

    1. What are your career goals after completing graduate school? (Recommended response length: 150-300 words)
    2. How have your prior experiences (professional, academic, and/or personal) prepared you for graduate study and informed your career goals? (Recommended response length: 400-500 words)
    3. How will attending this degree program at Heinz College help you achieve your career goals? (Recommended response length: 150-300 words)

    Your essay should contain only true information and your own,originalcontent. You should not use artificial intelligence (AI), such as ChatGPT, to write any portion of your essay. If you include a quote or text written byanyother person or published inanyprinted or online format, you must surround the copied text in quotation marks (") and indicate the original source of the text. Information reported on your résumé is subject to verification. The Heinz College Office of Admissions utilizes several methods to identify plagiarized, AI-generated, and falsified content in uploaded documents.Submission of false, plagiarized or AI-generated material as part of the application for admission may result in automatic denial of admission to any degree program.

  • Optional Essay

    You may choose to submit an essay in which you comment on any item(s) in your application that you consider worthy of further explanation. We are mostly interested in having you address any gaps in your professional experience, or anything you would consider a weakness that could have an impact on your admission status.Please limit optional essays to no more than 250 words.

    Your essay should contain only true information and your own,originalcontent. You should not use artificial intelligence (AI), such as ChatGPT, to write any portion of your essay. If you include a quote or text written byanyother person or published inanyprinted or online format, you must surround the copied text in quotation marks (") and indicate the original source of the text. Information reported on your résumé is subject to verification. The Heinz College Office of Admissions utilizes several methods to identify plagiarized, AI-generated, and falsified content in uploaded documents.Submission of false, plagiarized or AI-generated material as part of the application for admission may result in automatic denial of admission to any degree program.

  • Video Interview and Video Essay (optional, but strongly recommended)

    The completion of a short video interview is extremely important for applicants to the MEIM program, especially individuals unable to visit campus prior to the application deadline or those who are non-native English speakers. In 2017, more than 90% of studentsadmittedto MEIM completed a video assessment.

    Click here for detailed instructions on completing a video interview.

    Click here for detailed instructions on completing a video essay.

  • Verification Requirement for Enrolling Students (applicable only upon admission)

    Heinz College is committed to ensuring the integrity of our admissions process and the reputation of our educational programs. We also want to protect and enhance the value of the degrees that we confer. As an enrolling student, you will be required to successfully complete a verification process of your admission application materials. The verification process will be completed by an outside, independent contractor hired by Heinz College and Carnegie Mellon University.

    The purpose of this background check is to protect all stakeholders of the program (students, faculty, staff, and alumni) from those who would falsify their backgrounds to gain an unfair advantage in the admissions process. We believe that this verification will support our efforts to ensure integrity throughout the program. Upon admission, you will receive more details about this process from the Office of Admissions.

Quantitative Skills Summer Program

Students who do not meet the basic quantitative skills requirements prior to applying for admission may be required to enroll in and successfully complete the Quantitative Skills Summer Program (QSSP) prior to their enrollment at Heinz College. QSSP is available online during the summer prior to enrolling at Heinz College (no tuition is charged). QSSP classes cover applied algebraic/pre-calculus and problem application, graphing, basic statistics and probability, spreadsheets, and statistical software skills.

QSSP is comprised of two classes in which students will earn two distinct grades. In order to successfully complete QSSP and be eligible to enroll in the master’s program at Heinz College to which they are conditionally accepted, students must earn a grade of B or better (80%) in each of the classes.

Please note that when we require QSSP attendance, we are very confident in your potential for success at Heinz College.Admission provisions are made in the interest of ensuring a smooth transition into our graduate programs, with the goal of optimizing your academic success.

Applying to an Accelerated Master's Program as an Undergraduate Student

  • Allegheny College Undergraduates

    Heinz College and Allegheny College offer an Accelerated Master's Program to qualified Allegheny College undergraduate students. The program, structured as three years at Allegheny College followed by four semesters at Heinz College, results in students receiving both a bachelor's and a master's degree in less time than is normally required.


    The program is designed for Allegheny College students who have completed their junior year.


    Students canapply onlinefor free in the fall of their junior year foradmissionat the start of their senior year. As an Accelerated Master's applicant,you are required to submit the applicationmaterials and meet the admission criteriarequired of all MEIM applicants, detailed above in the"Application Checklist"section.


    Students will pay tuition and fees to Allegheny College from their freshman through junior years. They will pay tuition and fees to Carnegie Mellon for their graduate program for four semesters beyond the completion of their junior year. Allegheny College students also will be responsible for paying a maintenance fee to Allegheny College while enrolled at Carnegie Mellon in their senior year.


    Students will receive both their bachelor’s and master’s degrees upon completion of their graduate program at Carnegie Mellon. Allegheny College will count units taken during the master’s program toward the student’s bachelor’s degree according to its policies and procedures. Carnegie Mellon will forward to Allegheny College transcripts and other necessary information on student academic performance.


    Allegheny College students will be eligible for scholarship support from Allegheny College for their freshman through junior years. They will be eligible for scholarship support from the Heinz College for the length of their graduate program, and can apply to any and all Heinz Collegescholarship fundsfor which they are eligible (based on program and the individual scholarship fund’s specific requirements).


    Each year, Heinz College will admit a maximum offivequalified Allegheny College students to the MEIM program.


    The MEIM program does not have formal prerequisites for admission. However, because the curriculum is highly quantitative, students should take a college-level course in 1. statistics and 2. advanced algebra/pre-calculus. Students who have not taken these courses may be required to attend a four-week summer program at the Heinz College prior to the start of their master's program. There is no tuition for the summer program, but we encourage students to take these courses at Allegheny College.

    For detailed information and course descriptions, please see the "Required Quantitative Preparation" section below.

  • Carnegie Mellon University Undergraduates

    Click here for detailed information on the MEIM Accelerated Master’s Program for Carnegie Mellon University undergraduate students.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Didn't find what you were looking for on this page? Check out our Admissions Frequently Asked Questions page for additional information on any of the topics or processes outlined above.


Apply to Entertainment Industry Management | CMU Heinz (2024)


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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.