Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (2024)

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Bleach Soulwarriors::Non-Story Related Role Playing::Practice Fighting

Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (2)
Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (3)Subject: Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (4)Sun 06 Dec 2009, 5:07 am

A barren canyon, with parched soil and the occasional shriveled shrubbery, arid with dust, while the sun pounds more wasted energy into it, a place where one might find themselves if they went on a hike down the Grand Canyon, is where so happened one might also find Letony, Raiga. As the thermal wind blows capriciously about the many particles of brown arid dust in the area, this man takes a seat on an abnormally large gray rock, one about the size of a small house, above ordinary for sure. He looks up into the sky to see the sun cascading its luminance down to earth like rain drops from a thick, fluffy grey cloud. Moreover this man could hardly stomach the waves of heat being spread throughout the land, which is ironic because his zanpakuto is fire based. This causes the man to remove his extra T-shirt, and let it flow with the wind. It lands on a pointy rock, which supports it like a coat hook. ‘You stay there,’ Kazumi mentions as it lands. ‘Now, where is my combatant?’ the man says unsheathing his Katana.


Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (7)
Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (8)Subject: Re: Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (9)Sun 06 Dec 2009, 5:25 am

Randomness..it was very casual instead of odd to Hyroku Sanada. He was something like a veteran. He's experienced almost everything you could think of, even the feeling of death twenty times over. His inner hollow exclaimed the earlier questions earlier because he sensed another person in the area. He closed his eyes as his zanpaktou spirit had looked over towards the inner hollow.

"Can you shut up? You're too loud."

The inner hollow replied.

"Fool, don't you know I'll eat you?"

Zaiken had also replied to the threat.

"Seriously? We don't have time to fight at the moment."

Hyroku had intertwined.

"You two fight enough as it is. Let's go."

He unsheathed his nodachi from his back, performing a shunpo as he slashed at the person that was waiting for him in a horizontal manner from the right with ample force.


Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (12)
Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (13)Subject: Re: Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (14)Sun 06 Dec 2009, 5:51 am

'Who the hell ar~~e you? I'M Raiga!'

Explaining with much intensity and flaring of yellow reiatsu Raiga watched as a man approached, Nodachi in hand, slashing his blade down on the right exterior of his body. Briefly the man says, ‘Bakudo #8. Seki’ and indeed the man's blade would connect, but not with what he though, it would connect with a light blue orb instead of the man's abdomen, which would send his Nodachi flying backward. Taking his opportunity as the man's zanpakuto would repel backward he slashes his blade one handed at the man’s chest vertically with his right hand, while using his other hand to aim a Hadō #4. Byakurai at the man's shoulder.


Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (17)
Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (18)Subject: Re: Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (19)Sun 06 Dec 2009, 6:21 am

As his blade had repelled the attack, the recoil sent the right side of his body back. He was prompted to lift his entire upper body back up afterward, but he saw the blade coming and proceeded to lower his upper body to dodge the blade as well as the hadou spell just scorching the cloth on the should that was going to fall victim to the attack. He then brought his body back upstraight and lunched his nodachi upclose to stab him in the stomach with momentum gained from coming up.


Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (22)
Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (23)Subject: Re: Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (24)Sun 06 Dec 2009, 6:36 am

Performing a front flip with a spin as Hyroku's blade made its way toward his stomach he lands squarely on his toes facing Hyroku's back approximately 1 meter away from where Hyroku stood, on the parched stony landscape. Taking the advantage of his opponents lose of sight of him he appears in a shunpo directly to his back, placing his blade a centimeter above the skin of Hyroku's neck with a horizontal slash, which continued to inch forward.


Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (27)
Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (28)Subject: Re: Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (29)Sun 06 Dec 2009, 7:19 am

Hyroku's attack missed, as expected. He sensed Letony's spirit energy from behind, closing as the blade came closer from a slash. He bowed his head as the blade sliced through air along with a small lock of hair. He had a new hair cut..cool. He then turned around with a spinning slash from the left that swept up dust and small rock particles from the force of the attack. He spun from the left after switching the blade over to his left hand, facing toward Letony after the spin was complete.


Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (32)
Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (33)Subject: Re: Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (34)Sun 06 Dec 2009, 11:04 am

Some what satisfied as he watched a lock of Hyroku's hair fall to the ground, he smirks, quickly leaning backward to allow the blade of Hyroku's to miss him by little more than a centimeter. Somewhat surprised by how the man executed his moments in quick succession as he would make his way around to his frontal position, Letony moves forward placing his right arm over the man's left arm, tucking it under his armpit. He slips his forearm under the opposite side of the man's arm, elbow, trying to lock his arm in place with enough force to relieve him of his zanpakuto or even break his arm.


Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (37)
Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (38)Subject: Re: Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (39)Sun 06 Dec 2009, 11:32 am

After he finished spinning, his arm was seemingly almost immediately locked by this close quarters manuever. However, from his view, all he did was lock his arm whilst it being out straight and positioned underneath the armpit of the attacker. Even though locked in place, no type of pressure was applied at any angle to break it. And now Hyroku was in such a compromising position. His hollow mask appeared on his face with two curvy slits for his eyes and scorpion claw indentations on each cheek. He began to glow bright greena nd violet as his inner hollow familiar appeared in the form of reishi with a six meter sword in the right hand. He placed its hand infront of Letony's face and unleashed a cero of a wide radius of eight feet at point blank.


Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (42)
Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (43)Subject: Re: Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (44)Sun 06 Dec 2009, 12:28 pm

A mask materializes on Letony's face whilst a being composed of reishi places his palm in his face. The mask was rigid in shape, and designed to mimic something of a rams head. 'Meh,' the man briefly spoke as the familiar sound of a cero pulses from the being's palm, however at the same time Raiga would fall down to the arid dust, allowing the cero to emerge far above his head, knowing how cero start off at an extremely small range and build as they go while weakening the same. The man's arm he was holding onto however would follow him as Raiga says, 'Hadō #31. Shakkahō,' and a red orb manifests above the forehead of his mask's shell and bursts forward similar to how a cero would, but covering much less distance, although with the man's mask on the kido would be proportionally enhanced to ½ its original strength, making it able to engulf the man, along with his inner hollow buddy and then some.


Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (47)
Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (48)Subject: Re: Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (49)Sun 06 Dec 2009, 9:40 pm

(I'm sorry? An eight foot cero at point blank still being dodged? If you're ducking the same time it's being launched, since you're that close from a lock in my arm, you're hit unless you let go. That wide of a cero can't be possible to avoid when you're not even two feet away from me, man. No BS dodging allowed on dis site. D<)

Hyroku:The vizard had tried to duck as the cero had been shot, but alas, the cero was too wide to avoid completely. Had the vizard not moved, the entire body would've been enveloped, but now, only the upper half. Point blank meant point blank, the point where dodging was impossible. Letony put himself in that position with the lock on his arm. As the cero blew Letony about several yards away from the point blank blast, he still suffered significant amount of damage, breaking the majority of his mask and scorching the upper body. He dusted off his clothes before performing a shunpo behind Letony as he was still flying backwards from the blast and lunged at his back.


Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (52)
Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (53)Subject: Re: Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (54)Sat 12 Dec 2009, 8:11 am

He could feel the man's spiritual pressure suddenly appearing behind him as he flew. Hyroku had lunged toward his back hitting him. The hit however didn't have much impact to it so Letony, augmented by the shards of mask remaining on his forehead, he crashed into the dirt out of Hyroku's range taking a few minor scratches to parts of his exposed face. Cringing at the slight pain in his back Raiga rises to his feet, dusting off his jeans and turns to confront Hyroku. His face hidden from Hyroku by the angle at which Letony had his face toward the dirt, a ball of reishi formed and increase until Letony turned his head in Hyroku's direction, the cero erupting immediately in his direction covering a radius of 5 meters, and flying at the speed off a bala.


Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (57)
Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (58)Subject: Re: Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (59)Sat 12 Dec 2009, 8:35 am

Hyroku had stood there as the cero flew at him with an above average speed. Him and his inner hollow gazed upon the said cero and had a swift conversation within his mind, or his inner world. His inner hollow spoke first.

"Let's give him a little surprise..we'll show him our real power. Release me..."

Hyroku was swallowed up in the cero head on as a large explosion occured from the impact. As the smoke cleared, Hyroku stood there, covered in some soot that was being blown away by his hybrid spiritual pressure. The damage was reduced by the reishi armor that manifested as his inner hollow. He grinned beneath his mask.

"Is that all you got? Such a shame..."

Hyroku's body suddenly exploded with spiritual pressure. His shinigami stride and powers were beginning to vanish as the view to his body was cut off from the world. A dome of spirit energy appeared, expanded by a meter per twenty seconds. The hollow hole was getting bigger and bigger until it was a foot in diameter. He fully submitted his body to his inner hollow, letting his insticts take over while still retaining the majority of his personality, which has yet to be seen until after this so-called transformation completes. This hybrid reiatsu was becoming dark...

As the orb of reiatsu grew, it exploded into a spiralling whirlwind of reiatsu that was green, blue, and violet. His new form was also revealed. His hollow mask was also quite altered, the indentations turned into red scorpion claws in the form of a tattoo, complete with the end of a scorpion's tail coming down from the top of the mask, forming a wide C on the forehead. He grew three tails in the shape of a scorpion's, along with darkened skin. However, this transformation wasn't nature..the tails and the animalistic transformation was from the fluctuation of his hollow spiritual pressure. These tails had distinigrated but his skin was still darkened. He gazed at Letony with eyes with black sclera and green irises. He spoke as his mask grew teeth, the jaws of the mask moving along with his own.

"Now, I hope you're ready for this!!! RISE, ZAIKEN!"

The nodachi turns into an Okatana that glows of sky blue and violet reiatsu. His zanpakutou had a very special ability that he loved so dearly. He performed a shunpo to appear about three yards overhead of Letony, slashing downward in a crescent arc as a trail of eight kido blade appeared in its wake, raining down upon him to pierce the male all over, the first three created would go for his right shoulder and the arm attached to it, the fourth and fifth one going to pierce the top of the head, the sixth and seventh one would aim for the left shoulder, and the eigth one flew down towards the head, but curved to stab him in the back, all launching simutaneously.

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Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (62)
Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (63)Subject: Re: Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (64)

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Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga!

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Who the hell are you? I'm Raiga! (2024)


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