Rhea Ripley has been the Women's World Champion for a while, and it looks like she is close to dominating the entire RAW Women's locker room. However, a familiar face could meet her on the brand this year and possibly be the new champion.
Rhea Ripley was one of the biggest and most dominant stars of 2022, so her status as champion the following year only elevated her status in WWE. She captured the Smackdown Women's Championship at WrestleMania 39 by beating Charlotte Flair, which later became the Women's World Title. Interestingly, the former champion has yet to ask for a rematch for gold.
At this year's Royal Rumble match, Andrade was one of the stars who returned to the company. In the following RAW episode, he announced he would join the brand. Since he is also the real-life husband of Charlotte Flair, it's possible that once she returns, she will also be on the Monday show.
As mentioned above, Flair has neither addressed her defeat to Ripley nor asked for a rematch. It's possible that Charlotte was waiting for the right moment. Since her feud with Damage CTRL has wrapped up, the former champion could aim for gold once she returns.
The Queen was last seen in action in the first week of December on SmackDown. Unfortunately, she sustained an injury while wrestling Asuka on the show. She has since gotten surgery to repair her MCL, ACL, and meniscus tear on January 5.
What did Rhea Ripley say about her WrestleMania match with Charlotte Flair?
Last year's encounter between Rhea Ripley and Charlotte Flair was the duo's second meeting at the Show of Shows. Their maiden meeting took place at WrestleMania 36, where Flair emerged victorious.
While speaking on The Ringer's Wrestling Show, The Judgment Day member stated that she instantly felt connected with Flair at WrestleMania 36 and mentioned they would always bring out the best in each other.
"From WrestleMania 36, the first time that we had ever touched in a singles match, it was just there instantly. I love to get hit and I love a bit of blood. So when I step in the ring with, like, Charlotte, Bianca [Belair], Nia [Jax], Shayna [Baszler], Raquel [Rodriguez], we’re always going in there and we’re going to go hard no matter what. So to have that WrestleMania match with Charlotte, we didn’t really have a game plan going into it. We just know that we bring out the best in each other and the roughest side of each other because we’re in there to prove a point." said Ripley.
What has Rhea Ripley been up to on RAW?
While Charlotte has been out of action due to an injury, Rhea has remained on the Monday show. She may have found a new opponent in Nia Jax, who attacked her in this week's episode.
It would be interesting to see how Rhea Ripley responds to the assault by Bayley in the coming weeks.
How do you think Rhea Ripley will respond to Bayley? Share your views in the comment section!
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Based on the information provided, it seems that the user is interested in the topic of professional wrestling, specifically the current Women's World Champion in WWE, Rhea Ripley, and the possibility of her facing off against Charlotte Flair. The user also mentions Rhea Ripley's comments about her WrestleMania match with Charlotte Flair and asks about Rhea Ripley's recent activities on RAW.
As an expert in professional wrestling, I can provide you with information related to the concepts mentioned in this article. Let's dive into each concept:
Rhea Ripley as Women's World Champion:
Rhea Ripley has been the Women's World Champion for a while and is currently dominating the RAW Women's locker room. Her status as champion in the following year has elevated her status in WWE.
Rhea Ripley's WrestleMania match with Charlotte Flair:
Rhea Ripley and Charlotte Flair had their first encounter at WrestleMania 36, where Flair emerged victorious. Their second meeting took place at WrestleMania 39, where Rhea Ripley defeated Charlotte Flair to capture the Smackdown Women's Championship, which later became the Women's World Title.
Charlotte Flair's absence and possible return:
Charlotte Flair has been absent from action due to an injury sustained during a match with Asuka on SmackDown. She underwent surgery to repair her MCL, ACL, and meniscus tear on January 5. It is possible that Charlotte Flair will return to the Monday show (RAW) once she has recovered.
Possibility of Charlotte Flair facing Rhea Ripley:
Since Charlotte Flair has not addressed her defeat to Rhea Ripley or asked for a rematch, it is speculated that she may be waiting for the right moment. Now that her feud with Damage CTRL has wrapped up, the former champion could aim for gold once she returns.
Rhea Ripley's recent activities on RAW:
While Charlotte Flair has been out of action due to her injury, Rhea Ripley has remained on the Monday show (RAW). In a recent episode, she was attacked by Nia Jax, indicating a potential new opponent for Rhea Ripley. It will be interesting to see how Rhea Ripley responds to the assault by Bayley in the coming weeks.
In conclusion, Rhea Ripley is currently the Women's World Champion in WWE and has been dominating the RAW Women's locker room. She had a WrestleMania match with Charlotte Flair, where she emerged victorious. Charlotte Flair has been absent due to an injury but is expected to return to the Monday show (RAW) in the future. Rhea Ripley's recent activities on RAW include a potential feud with Nia Jax and an assault by Bayley.