The Albert Lea Tribune from Albert Lea, Minnesota (2024)

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PAGE IVE SATURDAY JULY 30 192T AUTOMOBILE HAS AGAIN MADE HIS APPEARANCE i HEWITT IS COMING Walk Down to the Garage on Austin on July HARM BANCROT MANSIELD HIGHWAY NO 1 ASSOCIATION WAS ORGANIZED YESTERDAY WOOL AND HIDES HIGHEST PRICES for WOOL and HIDES Nearly every community trav ersed by state highway No 1 from! tending a hearty weicOme to the Alfwsrt tn fBa "Kn rih Shnro It OAKLAND CLUB i Curtis Johnson of i ct I treasurer INE MEETING Morgan of GIenville were elected Rnhemla Too many novelists i' Boys and Girls Met With Ro The LEE No Extra Charge Credit Plan Body by ithor balanced and' incorporating the I Jrtrument panel silver platinum read like a catalog! Until 9 Value? None like it in all America latest triumph of America's auto NATE rtnfflrrf IODCCT CEMEBAL MOTORS Sir sure in the Sunday services of bridge truss famous rubber silenc ing and a new combust from Albert Lea were Theodore Speltz Alfred Christopherson Bert Skinner Peterson and Simonson and A Lageson and Mr Jensen from Clarks Grove a ft Tires As You DoYourCar On Payments Start advertising in the Tribune It brings results tires for dignified payment combination of features never be fore employed in any automobile Start advertising in The Tribune it brings results NEW OAKLAND ONDISPLAY BYNATECHIER Out Where the West Begins asked a visitor in ort Mink you tellum where I seem to have chosen the wrong kind of Bohemian mud to wallow in Punch the out its price delegates and told what the club has done to promote the interests highway No 1 and the road building program generally in Min nesota After the adjournment of the A lady novelist has described the beneficial effects of the mud baths A 11 a xn urxt aiueri uea co me ixortn snore country was represented by dele gates at the city council chambers in St Paul yesterday and formed a permanent highway No 1 organi zation South Near Great General Motors Or ganization Lawson were given One of the Rotarians is offering 2 sacks of feed for every first prize won by an Oak land pig or calf club member and one sack for every second prize In the garment making project a 49 lb sack of flour 13 offered for first prize and a 25 lb sack for second prize After' presenting the club mem bers with record books the Rota rians served watermelons The club appreciates what the Rotarians are doing for our club irst Church of Christ Scientist Corner Adams avenue and West Clark street Services 10:45 a Subject: All are welcome The third meeting of the Oakland Idvewires was called to order by the president Tuesday evening July 26 at the home of Ole Ender land Roll tall was taken by the secre tary Hannah Johnson to which the majority responded The minutes c' the last meeting were read and approved It was decided that the next meeting would be held at Richard August 16th" The presi dent appointed George Cummins Winslow Casey Margaret Cummins and Carla Peterson for the pro gram committee and Leslie Earl Hannah Johnson Margaret Cum mins and Gustay Johnson for the refreshment committee Clair Cot tes was chosen news reporter ollowing the business meeting a short program whi ch consisted of Schmidt visited with their friend Laura Hintz on Saturday after noon Mr and Mrs Henry Schneider visited at the Charley Schneider home Sunday evening Mrs: Tessman and family of Duluth Minn who were visit ing In this vicinity for a few days drove to Myrtle Minn for a visit Mr and Mrs George Schmidt attended the funeral of the late Mrs Schneider at the Pickerel Lake church Sunday Mrs Theo Mattick and daugh ter Esther were callers at the the long familiar vacuum a new and efficient system' of The all salaried Silver Lake Amusem*nt company baseball team of Ayrshire' Iowa will con test with" the Tigers on the West Clark street grounds Wed nesday afternoon August 3 Hewitt pitcher and Gale catcher two for mer Albert Lea players will do the work for the visitors exceptionally low center of gravity And a new engine of 212 cubic taZ 1045 i te 1075 irst Baptist Church Rev Alfred Danielson of West brook Minn will preach morning at eleven school at 9:45 No in evening ED MARPE reeborn PETERSON Clarks Grove Salvation Army Services on Sunday 11:00 a 12 10 Sunday SchooL 8:00 Evening service Services through the week Tuesday Thursday and Saturday svenings CAPT CRAIG Officer in charge Henry Johnson and Godfrey Hintz were business callers at tbs Otto Schneider home Tuesday morning Christ Johnke home last riday forenoon Walter and Henry Jahnke left Tuesday morning for North Dakota where they intend to stay for some time7 Otto Schmidt was a Caller at the Ervin Jahnke home Monday mom Built to meet every American demand for reliability style and Performance second vice president and Thomas Owens of Two Harbors third vice president Rush City was elected secretary i and Cruelty to Patriots is your opinion of avia tion know anything about' ft" answered' Senator Sorghum Pm afraid of tt If all the ovations are going to airmen we statesmen may as well take off our Coats and learn to Washing ton Star ecutive committee consisting of the president vice president secretary and treasurer to report at the next meeting soon to be held At the opening of the meeting Mayor Hodgson welcomed tbe dele gates and stated that this organi zation not only will help the high way itself but will promote the co operation of all the communities along the line from Albert Lea through SL Paul and Duluth to the Canadian border Mr Zollman of St Paul stated that the Automobile club of SL Paul also joined in ex used in a ear of Oakland's price over smoothness snap and silence that will be the talk of all Calvary Baptist Church Church That College and Euclid Streets 9:45 am Bible School with classes for young and old New pu pils are invited A Carlsen Supt 10:45 a Worship in Danish Sermon: Grass 7 :00 Young meet Northwood Iowa young man whose identiy was not discovered fired a shot with a revolver at A Lundberg Mon day evening as he was driving to Albert Lea The' bullet pierced the wind shield but seemed to have glaneed off and did not hit any one in the car 'With Dow were his wife and 1 Warren Kenison and wife and baby Lundberg met the car a Chrys ler in which was the near crim inal about five miles south of Al bert Leat There were several young meh in it Just as the cars were meeting both going at swift speed the gun was drawn and the shot fired point blank at the wind shield Mr Lundberg' did not obtain the number of the car and did not at tempt to follow it On arriving at Albert Lea he notified the ree born county sheriff who appoint ed several deputies and undertook a search for the culprit but with out results The sheriff stated that several cars had been fired at in that man ner during the past few weeks and that the offiters are very anxious to find out the guilty party It is sincerely hoped the man will be caught and pun ished before he succeeds in injur ing or killing some one irst Lutheran Church Englistvserviee at 11 Norwegian services at 9: 30 Sunday school as usual PREUS Pastor Methodist Church 9:45 Bible SchooL Said Isaac Newton: find more marks of the authenticity of the than of any profane history whatever It is unphilosophical to seek for any other origin of the world or to pretend that it might arirse out of a chaos by the mere laws of 11:00 The pastor will attend a Bible conference Sunday directed by Dr Campbell Morgan rated by many as the greatest preacher Julian Bacalzo a ilipino will speak on: New Philip He has spoken in several Twin City churches No evening service HORN Pastor reeborn County Well Repre sented at Meeting in SL Paul irst Vice President and our Directors Chosen 7 rom This Pave to Iowa Line High way Name to Be Chosen Soon Lowry hotel in SL Paul with 'the hotel manager Mr State as host Altogether it was a very import antmeeting in the interest of high way 'No 1 and it was the desire of all that the missing links of pav ing should be filled in in Minnesota to the Iowa line as soon as pos 2 DOOR SEDAN 1045 Many are realizing dom of buying new their cars on ths Northwestern Lee plan just as they buy cars The Is the same for Lee tires or credit No extra charge for payments No red tape All we require is your 1927 automobile license What is more you get gen uine Lee tires with all the ex tra mileage they will bring to your motoring comfort Com pare this plan with others Compare Lee tires with ethers! Then He Sang Shortly after midnight a gentle man was pressed to sing: Very thoughtfully he put forth the ex cuse that at the late hour the next door neighbors might object never mind the cried the youngxlady of the house poisoned our dog last Al hoilSe in Lonis tooxta Tribune yflle Coarier JournaL Oakland General Motors latest achievement all American the word And no other word de scribes it American principles of design American standards of beauty American stamina and endurance The pride of greatest proving ground ths product of American craftsmen using Ameri can precision production methods the new Oakland all Ameri can six A big rugged brilliaptly beauti ful six With mastery in every de tail of its isher bodies the mas tery of master body builders lashing performance Abundant speed The stamina to endure to duplicate the first fresh 'exhilirating miles one year two years five years from the day you buy it the Oakland all Amer ican Six Under the hood an impressive en gine 212 cubic inches in displace ment A hurricane for power silken smooth and silent as a whis per Entirely new in principle and design Counterbalanced 'crank shaft over 78 pounds in four bronze backed bearings the harmonic balancer rub ber silencing principle and a new type combustion chamber designed to eliminate both vibration and roughness Ruggedness? Dependability? To be sure But study the chassis of the Oakland all American six The deep anti torsioh frame study the construction of the unit cast cylinder block and crankcase Study the big self ven tilating self adjusting clutch Study the big smooth shifting transmis sion Study the dependable me chanical7 four wheel brakes The more you look at the car the more you will become convinced that re liability was the paramount factor in the design of the new all Ameri can six et even that is not alL Triple engine protection by oil air and gasoline filters through crankcase ventilation thermostatic heat con trol visual distributor adjustment guide forcgfeed fuel pump all of tltpmfactors of long life and econo my Ppwer smoothness silence snapReliability that touches your heart because it7 so seldom touches your purse ComfqrtC peaee of mind and pride these are yours when you choose this new interpretation of needs in a motor car" Six brilliant reliable and modish body types7 to choose from the cream of the isher Body corpora production Mechanical Details Enginfe six cylinder head hon ed cylinders cast in bloc with re movable head crankcase integral Bore 3 inches stroke' 44 inches displacement 212 cubij inches Water cooled with pump circula tion and automatic thermostat Patented interchangeable bronze backed bearing our bearing crankshaft Silent chain drive? Semi steel with two plain rings and one drain oil ring Alloy steel vales ull pressure lubrication with oil filter Harmonic balancer on crankshaft Electric System Delco Remy starting lighting and ignition with full automatic spark control uel System Gas pump feed tank capacity 13 gallons One inch vertical carbu retor with air cleaner attached Special exhaust heated manifold with adjustments for winter and summer Gasoline gauge on dash Clutch Single plate type self ventilated Transmission Selective sliding three speeds forward Gears shift easily at all speeds Rnber: silenc ed drive unit on transmission Twin drive shaft Walnut finished gear shift ball Wheelbase 117 inches These are but few of the mechanical de tails that are going to make Oak all American standing automobile class And to top such program Oakland announces new low priceA made possible by Oak land's great 515000000 expansion program This car is now on display at the Nate Cliier garage on West Main street and it is going to be well worth your while to come down and this finished product of the great General Motors organi zation NORTH zwstenz Tire Company 226 CLARK ST PHONE 40 ALBERT LEA'S LEADING TIRE STORE SERVICE STATIONS AT 1011 Harmon Place Minneapolis 160 Sixth St SL Paul 709 East Superior St Duluth Mankato Albert Lea Rochester Eau Claire Chippewa alls JJ iend Abroad in This Section of the State Shoots Through Windshields of Cars of Albert Lea and AKLANJW ALJ1 IL 1 1 A red Zollman president of SL meeting a ha nqnrt was held at the aui Auiomooiie ciuo or at i aui presided as temporary chairmall and after the delegates had been welcomed to that city by Mayor Hodgson they' proceeded to the business of organization Henry Orme of St Paul was elected president Simonson of Albert Lea was elected first vice sible president Dunning of Duluth Those who attended the meeting cornnri vH'ZuriTicsciAArf TVinmoc Mrs Young and two little daugh ters of Los Angeles Cal are vis iting at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs McCornack School District No 137 held their annual meeting July 19 rt win Vv cl*tw 1 1 1 1 1 1AL Lili A4AO bats July 25 Mr and Mrs Melvin ink and Louis Larson manager of the and Mr and Mrs red Bancroft creamery was a business Buenzow motored to airmont Sunr caller in the city Monday I daf Miss Ruby Hintz attended to Mrs Andrew Anderson was quite busines3 at Alden Wednes ill for a few days last week I day afternoon Chris Anderson is in a hospital George Wacholz called at his in Missouri taking treatments as home on Sunday evening his health has been very poor for 1 Godfrey Hintz and family were the last few months Mrs Auder callers at Kiester Saturday eve son is with her husband there Mrs nng Warren Peterson of Waterloo Iowa Mr and Mrs John Kleinschordt and Mrs Carl Mork daughters family mni nrAd to Clear Lake Mrs Anderson are at home help Sunday morning ing take care of the farm work! The Misses Gertrude Laura and The many friends of Mr and Mrs Ruby Hintz were dinner guests at Anderson will be glad to know that the home of Rev Kiem Sunday he is feeling much better than I Ellsworth and Arthur Hintz and when he went away and all hope friends were callers at Wells on for a complete rovery Saturday evening Mr and Mrs Horning and I Mr and Mrs Wm Hintz and family were callers at the son Ellsworth were visitors at the Jensen home short time ago Henry Hintz home in Lake Mills Miss Horning will again teach in la Sunday afternoon District 23 the coming year The dance at the Bear Lakei pa Lowell Jenson visited in Austin vilion last Thursday evening was last Sunday well attended and everyone report Com is suffering badly for the ed a fine time want of rain in this vicinity Mr and Mrs Otto Schmidt and Mrs Giants has installed an family were in Albert Lea on busi ice cream counter in the Bancroft ness last Thursday morning 4 Qfnrft Mica Marina TTiam unrt Tcaholla CHIER GARAGE and Service North Broadway MAX GENDLER Junk Dealer 28 Years in Business in Albert Lea Phone 535 Located Across rom Post Office July A Reynolds living west of the city reported coming in7 contact with' a bullet from a passing autoist when the bullet shattered the windshield of me car wmen ne vas riding 5 Mr Reynolds was returning from Austin about 8:09 in the morning and had come to the Banfleld farm when he was met store by an auto going at a high rate of speed As they were passing a bullet tore through the lower part of the windshield on the Reynolds car and reduced it to small pieces The passing car did not slacken its speed and Mr Reynolds did not learn who the party was that had evidently attempted hit or scare him: He could give jio possible reason for such an acL This attack is similar to the dis turbances on No 9 east of the city two or three years ago when mo torists reported being hit by stones and stray shots from guns Williams of Owatonna Bert Skinner of Albert Iea A Lageson of Clarks Grove I If Johnson of Geneva and A I I ft directors from reeborn county 1 Selectioqof a name for the high fy way rom the many thousand sub mitted in the 550 prize contest eon ducted by the Dispatch and Pio neer Press was referred to the ex WE SAVE PEOPLE MONEY ON KE Wand USED TIRES and TUBES Used Parts for All Makes of Cars Automobile Accessories Worship in English ft aivciuuu iuu ptii ill Preceding the sermon a group of believers will be immersed accord ing to the only scriptural and apos tolic mode of Baptism The Bible says: and Be irst secondly We dare not change the order nor the mode Worship with us I REDMUND Minister Sermon: I I I 1 llllllll III I I I 1 1HK KVKNBNCi i K1BUINE ALB1LK1 LtA lYLUNNi fc 77 7 JJLL m' hl jiNews 07 the Churches Bl a jh "I wewt nCri Covered with 18K White Gold finder Modde and Carved with 4 7 A A Oar Wreath of Blossoms without destroying tl te inside inscription a Vv MADE OVER INTO ATER 11 Jt 1 DW fl 'R uSPW S3 'W 7 eVyr'' IH 'x sWi iij? tarians or Big Meet ing One of the Best of Year 0 'T 2 A 'I 1 PSx fe ar 'W I 'S' 1 'ft al 1 4UM I 1 AWlii fiKll i isasss a ra a ss 3 rp 2 jy i jSg5 5 cl a 'TS 03 0 2 C0 2 2" 5 1 a a 1 QQ 01 01 a 3 co oo i io co a a at cyi a CD COO Si CO 03 4s a mu oo A xsLll the word! No other word describes it! American design American fines American endurance for the roughest American roads proved on General Motors great Amexi can proving ground and built by American workmen using Ameri can prerision prodnetion methods! ft ft ft iii aa was a a SV aa fnl engine: 9 SlbW new engine New rtandard of yrfnmnee endurance nd val oJ wc xixid NESP LOW PRTCRJ and such faetin nf Itimre nrl ft" ft 0 I convenience as tri dustered in There's mastery in every detail of the new isher bodies the taw a Sk I jb ram a a a eraa builders Low eraceful fashion 0 aide lines emphasized by sweeping oif1145 I nm crown tenders Arrestingnew 5 Duco colors Rich new upholsteries srfan 1ZO5 eS jtH grnrtary DaBandprieeatn etafe MiniaMKng fccmdlmf chtritt Eoaj In tna a longer deeper wt Gnar4 Motor A heavier frame A new and softo SWT An A Z9 ombmk xL a WWS Tr wMv zwiitsw aiix saw iruTiK wlAinn 4 wheel Iwslrro Tf Oaklan of those Indian bead line from a mail order JCZS IREm ift i tj Tfrr i i i ss5E3ssas i i i 1 'I' if A.

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The Albert Lea Tribune from Albert Lea, Minnesota (2024)


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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.