The Albert Lea Tribune from Albert Lea, Minnesota (2024)

ALBERT LEA, MINN. PAGE THREE DECEMBER 3, 1918. THE EVENING TRIBUNE. Women and girls wanted. Johnson Laundry.

adv 281-tfr. Albert Myer, Optometrist, 220 Home Investment Building. 269-tfr ad Dr. G. A.

Stevenson, eye, ear, nose and throat specialist. City. 269-tfr od Opening dance at D. B. S.

hall, Friday, Dec. 6th. Buck's Orchestra. adv 284-2r. Dr.

Scott Rector, Osteopath over Albert Lea State Bank -S. 1129. adv If you want rooms for office, store, storage, or lodging call M. J. Mack a at Wedge Nursery, T-S 137-J.

adv 277-tfr. Have many cash buyers for improved farms. See Lewis Fedge, the Albert Lea land man. adv 279-10r. Cream 60c a quart beginning Monday, December 2nd.

Albert Lea State Creamery. adv 283-3r. Solve that Xmas problem in buying a Singer Sewing Machine at $3.00 down and $3.00 per month. Phone T-S 367-R. adv 284-1r.

For your inventory get a "Snap-on" Binder and specially prepared leaves. Outfit $2.00 at our stationery counter. Albert Lea Publishing Co. adv 280-tfr. Bring in your ear corn, yellow or mixed.

Paying now $1.08 to $1.10, 70 with 3 lb. dockage. Speltz Grain Coal Albert Lea. adv 284-1r. Auction sale of merchandise, Home Investment building, Albert Lea, Minn.

Saturday, Dec. 7th, commencing at 1 p. a large lot of men's and boys' overcoats, hats and caps, some dry goods, shoes, furniture, varnish and numerous articles of merchandise. Wm. Nelson, Auctioneer.

adv 283-2r. Meeting of Business Men's League. -The Business Men's League will hold a regular meeting Tuesday evening Dec. 3. Dinner at half past six.

Come! Home to Settle Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Ryland returned Sunday from their honey moon trip and have gone to housekeeping in the Soth Apartments.

Had a -The many friends of T. J. Hellie, who was so badly injured some time ago from a fall from a silo, is reported as being very ill. Last week he underwent an operation. Going to and Mrs.

Herman Stahn and Miss Minnie Follette of Fairmont, visited at the E. Peterson home, on their way to Florida, where they will spend the winter. They are making the trip by auto. Dies in -The sad news has come to Mr. and Mrs.

Joe Svejkovsky of London township, of the death of their son, who died in France of the influenza. Adolph left with the first drafted boys. The sympathy goes out to the bereaved family. Travel Class members, who can are requested to meet at the Surgical Dressing rooms of the Red Cross, Thursday afternoon to help finish the work. It is desirable to get this work out at once so that the rooms may be vacated.

There are a great many dressings yet to make. -The Ladies Aid and Mission society of the First Baptist church will be entertained by Mesdames Oscar Lunstrom and Sam Gustaveson at the home of the former 725 Fountain St. Wednesday at 2:30. Leader Mrs. Frank Nelson.

Subject: "Home Mission Leaders and Honor Roll." A large attendance is desired. Short on Stock. The Salvage Department of the Red Cross is long on customers, but it needs more stock, more things to sell. Just think of the good you are doing when you take to the Salvage Shop things that you do not use, but that the other fellow can use and wants. The Salvage Shop will close December 17th and it plans for three big cleanup sale days, December 14th, 16th and 17th.

He who buys at Salvage helps the Red Cross, likewise he who furnishes the merchandise. Do both. Addition to Our Office son was born at the Naeve hospital Tuesday morning to Mr. and Mrs. C.

E. Wood of Albert Lea. The baby's daddy is a member of the office force of the Albert Lea Publishing and is a doubtful working unit today, as his brains are filled with sons instead of sums. However, we expect him to come out all right in due time. This is the second son in the family.

Everyone is doing well. Thanksgiving Dinner at Camp McArthur. -Lieut. Frank C. Marpe of this city entertained several of his fellow officers at a dinner on the evening of Nov.

29th. The table was spread in the Mess Hall of Company 1st Battalion, Replacement Camp, Camp MacArthur, Texas. The "piece de resistance" was a Minnesota turkey, a Thanksgiving present sent Lieut. Marpe by the Smith Wright Co. Every one voted the dinner a huge success and could the turkey have known what pleasure he was ing he would have considered his death a noble sacrifice, Some idea of the fellowship bred in the Army may be gathered by noting the home addresses of those present.

Lieut. Christian is from Little Rock, a true Southerner, Lieut. Harris is from Eureka, typically Western Lieut. Grey is from Boston, a loyal Easterner, and Lieuts. Knutson and Marpe are from our Common-wealth.

own glorious All expressed hopes of spending their Christmas at home after having besieged the City of Waco, Texas for the past several months, A FAR The Weather Generally fair tonight and Wednesday colder extreme south portion tonight warmer. northeast portion Wednesday. Albert Lea temperatures: Maximum twenty-seven; minimum thirty-eight and noon thirty-one. Optometry, means eye service. 269-tfr ady Ask to see those Inventory Outfits.

Albert Lea Publishing Co. adv 280-tfr. Cream 60c a quart beginning Monday, December 2nd. Albert Lea State Creamery. adv 283-3r.

The diet during and after influenza. Horlick's Malted Milk, nourishing, digestible. adv If you have any broken furniture bring it in to the shop back of Jewel Hardware Store or call 520-J T-S. adv 283-2r. 120 acres well improved farm for sale or trade in Alden township.

Will take city property as part payment. Balance easy terms. Wm. Nelson, Auctioneer, 334 Home Invest. Bldg.

adv 283-2r. The M. E. Aid Society will hold their annual bazaar and dinner, Saturday, Dec. 7 at Wesley Hall.

A 50c dinner will be served commencing at 11 o'clock and luncheon all p. 1 m. Everyone urged to be present. adv 284-1r. Regular Lea Chapter No.

30 R. A. M. will hold its regular meeting Wednesday. Will Live at the and Mrs.

M. L. Kaplan and daughter Florence have taken apartments at the Albert, having closed their house on Lake Boulevard for the winter. Improving Christopherson, who has been confined to his home with the influenza for the past week, is said to be improving today. Salem Ladies -The Ladies Aid and Missionary society of the Salem Lutheran church will meet next Wednesday afternoon at the church parlors and will be entertained by Mesdames Okre and Engel.

Westminster The Westminster Circle will be entertained by Mrs. Harry Sherman, 419 Fountain Wednesday afternoon at 2:30. Will each member bring or send any extra S. H. Green Trading Stamps she has? Annual Meeting.

The annual meeting the Synod Lutheran congregation will be held at the church on West Ciark street this evening, beginning at 8 o'clock. All voting members are urged to be present. Many matters of importance will be presented for consideration and action. Please do not fail to attend. Methodist Ladies Aid.

"he M. E. Ladies Aid will meet Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 4 in Wesley Hall and will be entertained by Mesdames Moore, Carlson, Reese, Gahagan and Pihl. All friends cordially invited.

Everyone is urged to be on hand early as there is work to be done. Married Wednesday evening, Nov. 27 at 7 o'clock at the German Lutheran church of Mansfield occurred the marriage of Miss Hattie, Pfahning to Ernest Buenzow. Rev. Keim performed the ceremony.

They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Katzung. Mrs. Katzung is a sister of the groom.

The bride is a very popular lady and is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pfahning. The groom's home is at Oran, where the young couple will go to farming after March 1st.

Mrs. Mark Paulsen Will Live Here. -Mrs. Mark Paulsen and little son will arrive in Albert Lea, Wednesday evening, and will stay with the H. A.

Barck family until they can find a home of their own in the city, as Mrs. Paulsen intends to remain with us indefinitely. She has been visiting in Laurium, at the home of her brother. Mrs. Paulsen has received a cablegram from her husband, Lieutenant Mark Paulsen, Chaplain in France, saying that he is well.

This was sent after the armistice was signed. Musicians to Accompany President. -A recent dispatch in the Minneapolis Journal says: "The Great Lakes Quintet, a sailor orchestra, has been by President Wilson to furnish music on board the presidential ship and in Paris during the president's trip abroad. The orchestra is composed of five well known musicians who enlisted at the Great Lakes Naval Training station and have been touring the country for the benefit of the Navy Relief society." Surely if President and Mrs. Wilson were to happen in at Albert Lea, Wednesday evening they would not fail to attend the fine Beethoven Club concert at the First Baptist church.

The president lists good music as "essential." FIRST AID IN INFLUENZA PREVEN. TION. Use Salinos to thoroughly cleanse the entire digestive system. adv 283-6r. The Men's Store North Half of Main Floor WHAT WILL YOU GIVE HIM FOR CHRISTMAS? There is one thing that is certain--it will be a useful gift, something that he needs and would have to buy if you didn't give it to him.

Nobody wants to give anything that is not useful this year. Here is your men's store; you will find the things that men and young men need and want, and we will be glad to show you and help you select from our many lines of useful merchandise. Here are a few suggestions: HOSIERY UNDERWEAR MUFFLERS GLOVES BELTS NECKWEAR COLLARS SWEATERS SHIRTS PAJAMAS HANDKER- TRAVELING CHIEFS TOILET SETS SAFETY COLLAR BOXES RAZORS Etc. Copyright 1918 Hart Schaffner A more substantial and useful gift is hard to find than a Hart Schaffner Marx suit or overcoat. The giving of these useful articles of wearing apparel is simplified by using our specially designed Merchandise Bond.

This permits the recipient to select just what he likes. Could anything be more appropriate? In this way sizes, styles and colors are all to his liking. Step in and let us explain this plan. The Free. Sewing Skinner Chamberlain Co.

See ments on the Improvethe New Machine Free Sewing Machine Will be Demonstrated EVERYTHING TO EAT, WEAR AND FURNISH THE HOME All This Week 217-237 SOUTH BROADWAY ON THE JEFFERSON HIGHWAY All This Week ALBERT LEA, MINNESOTA TOURISTS WELCOME TO REST ROOMS A FAR ALTAR TO TATER Hotel Elgin, Minneapolis, $1.00 peri day. Emery Rolph, Manager. 124r-tf ady Waitress wanted at the Jefferson Cafe. 284-ttr Royal Neighbors. The Royal Neighbors will meet Wednesday evening at 7:30.

Out After Good Things. Geo. .5. Bagan went to the cities Tuesday where he will visit the wholesale houses in search of good things for the Empire Grocery. Schools the schools of the county to contribute to the United War Work campaign are the following: Dist.

No. 13, Freeborn $31.60, Ella M. Drum, Dist. No. 23, $8.30, Hannah Rockney; Dist.

No. 28, $4.50, Mrs. Jos. R. Dunn; Dist.

Hayward, $5.00, Marguerite Carey; Dist. No. 40, $8.00, Christine Gregerson; Dist. No. 74, Bernice Monson; Dist.

101, $5.00, Cecile C. Corner; Dist. No. 109, Hartland, $6.10, Lulu Martin, Dist. No.

131, Clarks Grove, $7.50, Mary E. Jensen. A Returning Soldier Boy. Henry Christianson stopped in Albert Lea to visit with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.

E. C. Johnson of East William on his way from Camp Taylor, Ky. to his home in Portland, Ore. Henry is going home, honorably discharged from war duties.

He is the son of Mrs. Louis Christianson, better known in Albert Lea as Annie Hanson. Henry left on the noon train and will visit in the cities and other points with relatives before reaching Portland. He is greatly disappointed that he could not have gone to the front. TARTAR Operations at Naeve Hospital.Mrs.

F. L. Schneider and Fred Heine both of Alden and Mr. McQuatters of Northwood underwent operations recently at he Naeve hospital. BROADWAY THEATER Matinee Daily at 2:30 P.

M. Evenings 7 and 8:45. Unless otherwise specified, Feature begins at 7:30 and 9:15. Program subject to Change Without Notice, TONIGHT Edith Roberts in "The Love Swindle" Sensational Capture of Bagdad War Review "Damaged Good," Comedy 5 and 15c, Including Victory Tax Jno. Barrymore as "RAFFLES" The Amateur Cracksman: 7 Parts "Honeymoon Baby" Christie Comedy 10 and Victory 20c Tax Including Thursday -Constance Talmadge in "'Scandal' Friday--Baby Marie Osborne in "Milady of the Beanstalk" Saturday--Ruth Clifford in "Midnight Madness' SUNDAY AND MONDAY Clara Williams in "Carmen of the Klondike" The Greatest Alaskan Picture of Them All COMING "Her Man" Kaiser's Finish" "Talk of the Town" "Pals First" (Christmas) Charles Chaplin in "Shoulder Arms" W.

S. Hart in "'Riddle Gawne" (New Years) Julia Arthur in "The Cavell Case" or "The Woman the Germans Shot" 3090 Myers Optical rooms, Home In-. vestment Building. Both phones. 269-tfr adv Keeping Up Good Work.

The London Red Cross has sent the following to the Albert Lea chapter since the eighteenth of May: Forty-four bed shirts, 24 helpless case bed shirts, sixteen jackets, twenty-four pair bed socks, ten socks, twenty-five bath towels, fifty-six hand towels, ten handkerchiefs, ten robes, five and eighty-nine socks, twenty nine sweaters, one scarf, and three wash cloths. The above shows that we have some very diligent workers in this locality. Hayward and Oakland Lutheran The Annual Business meeting of Oakland church is to be held Wednesday, Dec. 4th at 11 o'clock, a. m.

Services Sunday Dec. 8th at 11 o'clock a. m. The Ladies Aid of Oakland will have a sale for the benefit of Mission Thursday, Dec. 12th at 1 o'clock.

The Ladies Aid of Hayward will meet Wednesday at the church parlor. Mesdames Frebelstad and Henrickson entertain. The Y. P. S.

meets next Sunday entertained by Mesdames Hove and Ole Esse. The Sunday school of Hayward has its meeting Sunday at 2 o'clock p. m. Rehearsal for the Christmas program. Johan Ellertsen, Pastor.

FIRST AID IN INFLUENZA PREVEN. TION. Use Salinos to thoroughly cleanse the entire digestive system. adv 283-6r. A young man wanted at this office to learn the printing trade.

Inquire at once. adv 282-3r. Quite Geo. Skarie is reported to be no better today. Will marriage license was issued to Erwin Henry Nieman and Miss Martha Elvina Penning, both of Worth County.

Danish Baptist Ladies The Ladies Aid society of the Danish Baptist church, will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 4th at 2:30 p. at the home of Mrs. H. R.

Jensen, 221 East Main street. Election of officers will on take place for the ensuing year. Mesdames Daniel Christensen and H. R. Jensen will entertain.

A large attendance is desired. Died at The many friends of Melvin Olson, son of Andrew Olson of London township will be grieved to learn that he passed away at his home in Taopi last week. of Spanish Influenza. Up to a few years ago he was resident of London township. He is survived by his parents, two brothers, Ole and Albert of London township, three sisters and one brother at home and one brother in France.

Melvin was a fine young fellow. Fine New The SkaugBrundin Clothing Co. are busy installing a brand new set of fixtures in their store on Broadway. The finish of the fixtures is in light oak and electric lights are being arranged inisde the cases to throw a better light on the goods. Also- -a new set of shelves with glass fronts sliding on ball bearings and drawers in strictly up-to-date fashion is being put in.

The new fixtures give the place a very modern and metropolitan look. This adds one more to the many stores that we have to feel proud of in our city. Drop in an take a look at them yourself. It will pay you. 4 acct 200 0.

The Albert Lea Tribune from Albert Lea, Minnesota (2024)


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.