The Albert Lea Tribune from Albert Lea, Minnesota (2024)

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A THE EVENING TRIBUNE ALBERT LEA MINN PAGE EIGHT WEDNESDAY AUGUST 181 i OR SALE OR RENT HOUSES HOUSES REEBORN mond dARAGES Hollandale ARMS ROOMS OR Apt Call 333 180 tf ROOM for gentlemen 305 Euclid 155 tf 182 3w AUTOMOBILES Court: MINNESOTA COLLEGE of LAW 194 3 MISCELLANEOUS A Your Unrestricted Choice (Seal) All Summer 194 3w 66 1 Sale POSITIONS WANTED ormefly Selling $1800 to $3950 MALE 'of All has Thursday lug 19th 1926 £MALE at 1:30 PM Sharp Professional Cards WANTED QxclusivelpSmar'tIpparel MISCELLANEOUS A A A of St after a two OR RENT Modern 7 room housenewly painted Call 1080 1944f OR 80 acre farm A Tribune PETERSON Attorney ON MORT LAND OUR CH ECKS NET ORGER ROLL $140 A JOHNSON Judge A baby boy arrived at the i Mother and 1 rj IL HOUSEHOLD GOODS OR SALE 6 room all modern bungalow bui only 2 years all i birch floors good lot and garage A real bargain Terms Price450000 Payne Investment Co 194 2 OR Myr new modern home 610 Bridge St Andrew Nelsen 137 tf OR Garage 509 Grace St 189 tf OR Large frontroom on lake shore close in for gentle man only Phone 756 5 150 tf OR Store building: Stieler 194 tf OR Medium sized icebox Call 701 2v 193 tf a pastor here The of Rev and Mrs glad to see them Coon and Mrs re were hostesses to a of their friends to a rance complains that America no longer sympathizes with her pre dicament and it cannot be that under 7 the 'Mellon Berenger debt settlement this country is los ing Norfolk Virginia Pilot Meanest Man in Town 1 Barton makes your next door neighbor so unpopular He has arranged his lawnmower so that you have to drop a penny in the slot to make it Boston Transcript People in reeborn county have sometimes commented on the waste of good farm land caused by cutting off corners on trunk high ways The safety and convenience of road users is the main reason VACATION daj5 are Automobile Days We offer some exception al values in used cars thorough ana guaran teed Drop in any time we are always glad toshbw them Your old car taken as part payment' 1 9124 5 pass Buick Sedan 1 1924 7 pass Buick Sedan 1 1923 '5 pass Buick Sedan A 1 1922 4cyl Buick Sedan 1 1925' Chevrolet Coach 7 A very wide selection of open cars various ma es and styles from 35 up Motor Inn Co 187 tf We will add several 'new men to our organization? Po sitibtfs promotion rapid 7 Proposition 7 new and at tractive i Well known product: Apply 503 Albert hotel between 4 and 6 Wed and Thurs T94 2 nimum saving of 5 cents per mile shortening the distance one mile will mean an aggregate 'saving of $50 per day Or $18250 in a year Rev and Mrs Roberts of Mariet ta were visitors at the A Sco ville home from Wednesday until riday of last week Rev Roberts was formerly many friends Roberts were Miss 'Edna mont Snyder large number OR RENT 5 room apt over' Turtness confectionerv "tAsk Mr Turtness or call 681 URNISHED light housekeeping apt at Koger vail 568 190 tf Relocation of Highway Often Cheaper Than Using jOld Road Safety Is Big actor OR Modern flat Dr Rodli 85 tf Work for board and room for Luther acad emy 192 3' OR Sleeping room and garage Gentlemen preferred Call at 303 Court St' 189 tf Washing' 408 Bridge Street 2 193 4 OR ord ton Call Hansen hotel 194 2 Mr and Mrs A Schoen and 1 son Clare left Saturday August 7 on a motor trip' through the north ern part of Minnesota They visit koR Used furniture at Al bert Lea Auto Top urniture upholslering Co 126 Maln Phone 541 82 tf WANTED at once by experienceij young woman "general officework or clerking Best of ref Capable of responsible position Address care Tribune 1 194 3 WANTED By' 2 high school to work Tor roomaM board in good Prptestant family Otto Schroeder Myrtle Minn 193 OR SALE New house 1 acre of around fine location: nrice $3500 I' Call 1072 Boyd 178 tf OR RENT Modern apt City heat Call Henry Both 245 tf CITATIONS OR HEARING PETITION TO SELL GAGE OR LEASE WARD State of Minnesota County of rTeenorn in rronate In the 'Matter of the Guardianship of George Jenson and Earl Jenson minors THE STATE MINNESOTA Jenson and Earl Jenson all persons interested in the sale of certain lands belonging to said minors The Petition of Hil da Jenson as representative of theabove minors' being duly filed in this court representing that it is necessary and for the best inter ests of said ward and of all inter ested therein that certain lands of said minors described therein be sold and praying that a license be to Hilda Jenson granted to sell the same Now Therefore You and each of ybu are hereby cited and required to show cause if any you have be fore this court at the Probate Court Rooms in the Court House in the city of Albert Lea County of reeborn State of Minnesota on the 13th day of September 1926 at 10 AM why the prayer of Said petition should not be granted The Judge of said and the Seal of said court this 17th dayof August 1926 '(Court Seal) A JOHNSON Judge of Probate Court ARNSWORTH Attorney for representative 194 3w GOOD USED CARS 1924 Dodge coupe 1926 ordor ord sedan ord 7 ord touring Dodge touring Demonstrator touring Chrysler Imperial sedan Stanton Inc' 247 So Newton Street Phone 1100 ri a 1 mm 4 iciiuia icauiuiuuidiy uu ibau eT to Anna Storvick and Alfred Storvick thereon? You are hereby cited to show cause if any you have before this court at the Probates Court Rooms in theKCourt House in Albert: Lea Minnesota August 30th 1926 at A why said peti tion should not be granted' Dated August 3rd 1926' (Seal) AW JOHNSON Judge 182 3w HIGH SCHOOL girl wants to workfor board and room 0 jel broten Lerdab phone J194 3 Land O' Lakes Batter Output Shows Big Gain Wl CARS EXCEPTIONAL VALUE are to be found our stock or used cars as follows: 1926 Master Buick Coach 1926 Dodge Sedan 1926 Dodge Coupe 1926 Pontiac Coupe 926 ord Coupe 1926 Chrysler Coach 1925 Maxwell Sedan? 1925 Dodge type A Sedan 1925 Jewett Coach 1925 Oakland Coach (2) A 1925 Moon Sedan Not There i Cyril all the noise down there? Clement Motorist turned a corn er i Cyril Well? There corn Answers London I OR 2 modem apartment houses7 'all hardwood floors both good fine lots and located income 'lletting better than 10 Priced to sell quick $700000 and $7500:00 Payne Investment Co 194 2 of Alden Is of her uncle Mrs Elmer LIE INSURANCE MEN Bight now is the time to get in on llic ground floor in jouV home town for a General Agency of your own Many successful agents outgrow their positions and continue i sub agents because no opportunity is given for promotion If ton tempiating a change and you are a high grade personal producer capable of starting new agents to sell tiie most attractive life pelt cies sold in Minnesota lose no lime getting in touch with us i Southern Minnesota Geneia Agency Large commissions ng time reneitals National Reserve Life Ins Co Geo Godfrey Moore Pier Capital $5600011 Surplus over 2i 000 Topeka Kansas i 1925 ord Coupes (5) 1924 ord Roadster Steady work in orches tra by violin player White Cunningham Rt 2 'Eyota Minn 'j' 192 3 DR WM A BESSESEN o' Physician and Surgeon 4 604 LASALLE BUILDING HJSED I Buy a used truck for less than it would ucost to hire your crops hauled to market fcf 1925 Luverne 2 ton truck 1923 Chevrolet light delivery lJr'1924 Chevrolet light delivery 1925 Keo 154 ton speed wagon 1923 Red 1 ton Speed Wagon 1919 GMC 1 tbn truck All of the above may be pur chased on the deferred payment plan Stanton Inc 247 So St Phone 1100 194 3 OR RENT urnished rooms close in 556 181 tf 1925 1922 1918 1926 1925 OR SALE 315 Court Lane 6 rooms Modern except heat A bargain at $350000 Ham mond Albert Lea '193 3 EXPERIENCED bookeeper de sires position references dress VARandall 515 31st St Minneapolis 193 3 OR House' Call A Erickson Adm '191 4 The Land dreameries? Jfic? famous cooperat ive marketing association shows a big' gain? in its butter business for the first six months of 1926 as com pared with the Jsame period last year The association this year sold 47 600000 pounds of butter up to July 1 a'gain of four million pounds ov er the first six months of 1925The total money value of this businesswas $20200000 as compared with $18500000 last 4 Tn addition to its butter business the lines such as machinery' and supplies sweet and powdered buttermilk added" approximately another mil lion and a half dollars to the busi ness for the first half the year 1924 1924 Light Six Studebaker Coupe fe 1924 Oldsmobile 4 pass Coupe IbT 1924 ord Tudor Sedan (3) 1924 Jewett: Special Sedan OR At cost by owner new 4 room bungalow on Blackmer Ave Meyette Box 75 or call at Tribune 187 tf good natured and hadr a good line of stories He spent his 'money if he had plenty of it rOn Saturday night he 7 169 tf 0 luigeiieb auu uibuppeareu i the CPenney store he bought a OR 5 room flat and pulled out a roll of billsDrugstore 193 3 Then he pauesd for a seemingly lost' in thought and ex xvJUAyx XUVUV4U A VwJJLI LIUqU in Call 436 CITATION OR PROO WILL In Probate Court 'reeborn County Estate' of Caroline Ottesen also known asCarolineOtteson Dece dent The State of Minnesota to all persons interested in the Probate of the will of decedent The peti tion of James Otteson being duly: filed herein? representing that CarollnerOtteson aforesaid then a resident of reeborn County died on June 15th 1926 leaving a last wilt and testament which re sented io and filed in this court and 'praying that said instrument be allowed as the last will testament of the said decedent and that letters testamentary be issued' thereon to Andrew Hanson are hereby cited to showcause if any you have before this court at the Probate Court Rooms in' the coutt house in Albert Lea Minnesota on August 30th 1926 at ten A why said peti tion should not be grante'd Dated August 3rd 1926 (Seal) A JOHNSON Judge Peterson Attorney Beware AlbertLea Mankato Merchants Victims of Clever Hoax Uses Name Willarid Machinery Electric Motors Shafting Pulleys' Belt Shaft Hangers 1 Trip Hammer Lot of New Bolts Bolt Racks all Kinds of Small Hand Tools 1 orge' 1 Anvil 3 Large Gasoline Engines "1 Mounted on Truck Lot df Ropes and Blocks 1 Iron Safe and Office urniture Several Oil and Water Tanks LctofPipes and Pipe ittings 1 Large Grindstone Lot ofLumber and Other Articles tod Numerous to 1 Mention' Terms Cash' Peterson Attorney CITATION OR HEARING ON PEaTITION OR ADMINSTRATION State of Minnesota County of ree ss In'Probate Court In the Matter of the Estate Anna Aarstad Decedent The State of Minnesota 'toWhom It May Concern: Whereas John Orstad filed in this Court his petition stat ing among other things that he is a son of 'the above dece dent that said decedent died in testate a resident of the County of reeborn State of Minnesota left property in the County of ree torn State of Minnesota and was a citizen of the nited States and praying that administration of her be granted toJ6hn Or stad Therefore herfeby cited to be and appear before said Court pn the 30th day 'of August 1926 at JO A Mt In the Court Udusein' the' city of Albert Lea Minn" in said County and State and show cause if any you have why said petition should not" be Dated August 3rd1926" (Court Seal) A JOHNSON" 182 3w Probate Judge Here is your final opportunity to freshen up your Ward robe with one or two of these ine Summer Dresses The values are astounding Sizes for everybody Come early while' the selection is good Approved by Supreme Court and the State Board of Law Examiners our Year Evening Course Degree aculty comprises twenty two Judges and Lawyers 7 ly' re conditioncJ 4 The undersigned will sell at Public Auc I jion to the Highest bidder at the Star oundry Company Plant ront Street Albert Lea Minn on OR 5 room house Norfh Side Basem*nt and furnace lot 50x165 Price $2900 Call 1072 I Boyd 182 tf Mankato merchants it jwas re OR Modern house si 510 Vealed today have been swindled ifth street $5000 Ham out of $140 by a smooth acting mond Js 194 4 forger who using the name of E' CLASSIIED ADVERTIsem*nTS 1 I i 10 cerite line first insertion per line each subsequent insertion Minimum charge Payable cash with order for cutting corners but the saving ed Quluth Virginia Staples and in road building costs usually more other interesting places On their than offsets the value of the land way5 home Clare stopped at St according to a bulletin from the Paul to resume his work there state Hignway department A curve with a 200 foot radius makes the road 86 feet shorter than if it were built to a square corner The extra land needed is less than half an acre" and may cost from $25wto $100 Tiie saving on an or dinary grading and graveling job will usually pay for the land and if the road is to be paved the distance £6 feet will ve about in honor of their birthdays at $430 several times as much as the cost of the land Similar or greater savings may be effected by the relocation of longer stretches of road If the dis tance can be shortened a mile by relocation before a road is to be paved there will be a saving of about $30000 several Jniles of new right of way and grading Using the old road while building and paving a new one may alsosons of Alden and Mr and Mrs save thousands of dollars in detour Oscar Mauseth and sons of Harfi maintenance Where it is necessa pand were Sunday visitors at the ry to reshape and regravel a siderH Stensrud home 1 road for use as a detour the ex pense may run up to $2500 or $3 Bue home August 14 500 per mile If the regular road son are doing nicely can be used while the permanent Mr and Mrs Peter Stensrud: trunk highway is being built on hd as their guests Sunday Mr and i new location a large part of this Mrs Carl Rice and son Elton of detour expense can be saved manchester Mr' and Mrs I A Elimination of railroad grade Stensrud and daughters Mrs Nel crossings is another factor which Stensrud and Miss Mary Stens often causes relocation of a road before it is permanently improved The School Board held a business Since the state took over the trunk' meeting Monday evening and hired highway system 233 grade ossi ng the following bus drivers for the have been eliminated by relocation coming school term: Route 1 Theo of the road On Trunk Highway jno 1 aione neiween tne iwin ui ties and Duluth eighteen crossings have been eliminated by this meth od On this road there is 383 miles of new location between White Bear and Carlton The most important factor how ever is the saving to road users Reducing the distance bet weeh two towns a anile or two may mean 2 A w1 1 mI 4 rw UUCUlUg LU UI1UH6 AUX pxvas wzn 11 1 A ure but the proporticn of vehicles Will occupy on oept 1 second floor of new Baker Arcudc Building used for business is constantly in Marquette Avenue and So 8th St creasing and each mile saved themmeansfrom5centsamileon' SChOOl Opens Sept 13 a' light passenger car to 25 on a big truck or bus On a road which carries 2000 vehicles a day if only 1000 are traveling on busi ness and if we figure only the mi Office Phone Geneva 1928 WAJResldence Phone Kenwood Minneapolis Minnesota J' "fr 4 1 msneu steeping room ana one something was amiss as Jackson small room close in Phone street only runs to ifth street 1379 194 tf 1 Chris Ringham Owner BROWN Auctioneer dore Kozlolck Route 2 Hareld Gil bert Route 3 Glaves Stensrud Route 4 Myron Dezell Rout0 5 Lawrence Sorenson Route 6 Adolph Route 7 I Seath Route' 8 A Oliphafit and Route 9 Einar Jacobson Mr and Mrs Myron Dezell are movingdnto the Lattln house recently vacated by Mr and Mis John erguson Mr and Mrs John erguson vis: ited relatives at Wells Sunday Mr and Mrs Clarence Cbrisien I 1 sen Miss Viola Gilbertson Miss Dorothy Jensen and Paul Jensen AllULUAtftl LU ctl 1 UdU 1 oUIltlcljj WnclB they met Miss Dora Gilbertson atid brother Clarence for a family pic nic Mr and Mrs Howser Geo Howser and family of Wells Mr and Mrs Peterson and Miss Martha Hanson were visitors Sunday Miss Ethel Howard returned home Sunday weeks visit with her sister Mrs Doherty Miss Helen Sweet visiting at the home and aunt Mr and Sweet Junior Howard had the misfor tune to break his asm Monday This is the second accident that Junior has had with the same arm Leroy Sweet spent several days visiting at the Vein Linder home at Buckeye He returned home Tuesday afternoon accompanied with Mrs Linder and children Gus Nelson has been hin by the School as janitor oi the cnhAnllirmca nn1 nJ i viivi 4 ernoon The score was 7 to 2 in coming year favor of reeborn i Mr and Mrs Oluf Mauseth and Present Address 130 So 10th St Phone Main 1714 Minneapolis Minn JAMES BAIN Registrar CUTTING THE CORNERS rr SAVES THE ROAD UNDS claimed: I might as well cash this check now my He presented a check stamped Willard and Son and with the name of Willard at tached to' it The checkwas for the amount" of $35 If the local merchants had xlooked carefull I they might have seen that the OR 2 large front rooms name of the local real estate man and' an apartment Hanson Hotel was misspelled having been writ 146 tf ten W' TJinx rr Three more thirty five dollar VSlv 17 'rere Presented one to the rase Call 10CT W509 Grace St Eed Owl store where aIleged A 1 1 Mr Davis had been a frequent vis OR Large nicely fur it0E and one to both the A and nished room for gentleman Call stores All checks wfere made ojit333 193 tf the same manner and for the the home of the former August 13 All who were present report a very pleasant tim Mrs Phil Sorenson entertained a largenumber of her friends at her home August 16 The Hartland baseball team cross ed bats with the reeborn team on This will pay tor the reeborn diamond Sunday aft 1 forger who using the name of Willard cashed fotir thirty five dollar checks over the week" enO Using National Bank of Com merce checks of that city the forg er going under the name of Davis and representing himse'ltas an insurance man played the game that although outside the Write paw was entirely clever' He 193 2 dropped into the various business houses of Mankato chatted aifii ably anJ quite unconcernedly throughout the week with i merchants making small purchases OR RENT Room' 521 Euclid at the places where he later cashed 944 the checks He jolly anfl: CITATION ON INAL ACCOUNT In Probate Court reeborn Coun ty 7 Estate of redrich Diedrich De cedent THE STATE MINNESOTA 11 '1 At xfs 1 RATION OR PROO WILL naj account and distribution of Probate Court reeborn County said estate: The' representative of Estate of Tosten A Storvick Dece said decedent has filed hereinhis' I final account with his petition pray State of Minnesota to all ing for the adjustment and allow persons interested in the probate ance thereof and for the distribu of thewilL of decedent The peti 1 tjon Of residueof said estate Anna Storvick being duly 0 the persons thereunto entitled filed fierem representing that Tos you £re hereby cited to show ten A Storvickthen a resident of caUse if any you have before this reeborn County died on the 11th court at the Probate Court Rooms' day of July 1926 leaving a last in the Court House In the clty of 51 testament which Js pre Albert Minnesota on Septem sented to and filed in this court lber 13th 1926 at ten AM and praying that saidinstrument why said petition should not be be allowed as the last will and granted testament of said decedent and Dated August 16th? 1926L 3 tnat lerrAra ho ik 5 eg 1924 Chevrolet touring 71924 Chevrolet Coupe 4 1924 Studebaker Light Six Coach 1923 Hudson Coach fr? 1923 Oakland Sedan 1 1923 Olds Sedan? j' 1923 ord Sedan 1923 Chevrolet Touring (2) 1922 Oakland Touring Light Six Studebaker Tour ft 1920 Essex Touring 1920 Paige Sedan Nate Chier Garage in the same manner and for the same amount The forgery was not discoverefi until late Monday when oneof the checks was presented' at the Na tional' Bank of Commerce of that city Another curious thing about' the forger which the merchants over looked as they received the checks store waa check was endorsed by" Mr Davis signed Davis 192 3 8810 Jackson street amiliarity I with the Mankato streets would in Ofie large nicely fur stantly warn the receiver GTmonfrk tr nr Al rts I Ct Lz a 5' I I i I OR SALE? BUILDING LOTS i OR Splendid lots at bridge Riley son 143 tf OR My lot on Albert Lea 'Ave 56 ft front facing lake very desirable location Win Arvidson call 675 194 3 POULTRY 7" OR SALE About 25 Rhode Island Red pullets? ine for fall laying Cail 416 193 3 ARMS OR SALE My equity of $6500 in 120 afcre improved' farm near Al bert Lea A Quevli over St Paul store 7 190 6 OR SALE On reasonable terms 80 acres 6 miles from Albert Lea on the highway Good house bam and artesian well Would make a wonderful chicken farm or market gardenE Ham mond' 189 6 WANT TO SELLn ine imp all tiled well located 85 acres Well imp tiled good located 84 acres Unimp tiled fine located 80 5 acre's The best and most pro ductive corn grain clover and alfalfa land in southern Minn or further price terms 'write Owner Box' 41 Wells Minnesota 193 2 MISCELLANEOUS Vandegrif 5 193 JI OR National cash regis ter' 190 5 187 tf OR SALE Airedale puppy $200 Phone 608 194 3 OR Baby buggy high chair and sulky Call 983 194 2 OR SALE Baby buggy in good condition Over Palace of Sweets OR Hand picked' Whitney apples Andersen 1118 Louis street 194 3 OR English setter pup pies 306 2nd St Carl An derson' 192 4 CUCUMBERS beets cauliflower etc for pickling Hillcrest Gar dens Phone 1212 180 18 OR SALE Get your duch*ess ap pies at Orchard arm south wf Wedge Nursery Alvinus 'Nelson 192 6 OR SALE! ridholm Nurs ery 'about 3 acres 4 room mod ern house 100 fruit trees thou sands of shrubs and flowers a jifineplace where one can produce a fine income Terms Price $750000 Payne Investment Co 194 tf HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Chickew tippers steady' i work good pay Armour Cream eries 1 194 3 WANTED Steamfitters and ers Best wages 103 be tween 6:00 and 7:30 i 3 At once young man' for work in yard and office One with some experience preferred Atlas Lumber CoT Minn 1933 SALESMEN? I 1 4.

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The Albert Lea Tribune from Albert Lea, Minnesota (2024)


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.