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- Publication:
- The Albert Lea Tribunei
- Location:
- Albert Lea, Minnesota
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 6
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WEDNESDAY APRIL 9 1919 PAGE SIX CLASSIIED ADVERTISING I ive Cents per Line Minimum 15 Cents 5 Payable in Advance NEW SPRING WEARING APPAREL OR RENT IS READY OR YOUR INSPECTION I LOST '1 eaturing Hart Schaffner Marx i I WANTED and ashion Park Clothes Male Help a Week and Owner arms Walk Over Packard and Live Stock Nettleton Shoes ALBERT LEA MINN Houses 0 MANY LIKE THIS IN ALBERT LEA OR SALE com Attorney lor is Plaintiff Township One Hundred two (102) John Stiles vs BLACK TAN WHITE REQ BROVN 22 STORE SYSTEM ree Judi I Be Sure to See the New WAIST LINE MODELS ounder of tho Wool worth ive Ten Cent Stores Passed Away in New York Suddenly To rent a modern house raiiJT 7A3 77 tfc ShinoiA Hoe Set makes shining easy in home or office OR SALE Pure bred White Wyan dotte eggs for hatching Mrs Thompson 1405 1 79 10c Started' Life at Nothing Ended Life as the Of Millions MANHATTAN SHIRTS With All the New Patterns and Colorings OR RENT Modern furnished room 982 83'3c PRESIDENT OVER ONE THOUSAND STORES Hage manager of the local ive and Ten Cent Store received a telegram Wednesday morn ing informing him of the death of Woolworth president of the Wool worth stores He passed away suddenly at his home at Glen Cove Long Island Tues day He was sixty seven years old The local store was closed all day Wednesday in memory of Mr Wool worth Anyone passing that way no ticed a sign reading: closed on account of the death of our president Mr Wool worth began as clerk in a store for the sum of nothing a month for sii months A'ter that he received the munificent salary of $300 per week He conceived the big idea of the present five and ten cent stores and opened the first one just forty years ago this year Since then the stores have spread all oyer the country until 1052 stores have been established The last one was at Hanco*ck Mich just recently opened Last year the customers in the Wool worth stores ran over 700 000000 The Woolworth Building the Tower of Nickels and Dimes will stand in New York for many ybars to come a monument to the wonderful business activity and ability of Wool worth ACRE LOTS OR SALE On South Broadway i Liberty Bonds accepted in part or whole payment LOST On Tuesday a $1000 bill on Charles street inder please leave at Tribune office and receive 84 lc OR Light' housekeeping rooms and furnished Reynolds Apartments 61 tfc it i Man for gene Apply at office Dr Besse Stetson Knox and Gordon HATS Yardman and uishwasher at the Jefferson Cafe 76 tfc WANTED To do garden plowing and ash hauling Wright 133 4 81 6c IN WOOLWORTH DIED TUESDAY Similar Cases Being Published In Each Issue The following case is but one of nurny occurring daily in Albert Lea Ic is an easy matter to verify it You cannot ask for better proof A uller photographer 204 8 Broadway says: Kidney Pills are all right They thoroughly freed cue from backache from which I suf fered for a long time I feel certain the trouble was due to my kidneys and went right to the seat of i lie trouble and cured me They strengthened my and uue in every way Since then when 1 iave felt the least bit out of sorts with my back or kidneys I have promptly used and a few doses iave put me in good (State ment given July 30 1913) On December 15 1917 Mr uller said: Kidney Pills have my best words of praise and I recom mend them again gave me strength and unproved my health 60c at all dealers oster Milburn Co Mfgrs Buffalo 20th 1919 PETERSON Plaintiff Albert Lea 72 3w adv HOME SHOE POLISH i Used by thrifty people because it Saves Time Saves Money Saves Shoes ShhoiA is beneficial to all leather SUMMONS State of Minnesota County of born District Court Tenth oial William Nelson Amelia Johnson Christian Nelson Julius Nel son Julia Ramsey Eva Storvick Ida Abbe Mabel Nelson Chester Nelson Guy A Nelson Eddie Nelson Plaintiffs vs Reuben Hill Pauline Hill Even Nel son Evan Nelson Nelson his wife A Johnson 1 Johnson his wife A Hill Lucinda A Hill Harvey Hill Mathias Nelson Agnetha Nelson Mathias Nelson his wife Elizabeth Gulbrandson Christian Nelson John Nelson Ole Nelson Al bert Nelson Elina Nelson and Agnetha Nelson and also other per sons unknown claiming any right title estate interest or lien in the real estate described in the com plaint herein Defendants The State of Minnesota to the Above Named Defendants: You and each of you are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint of the plaintiff in the above entitled action which is fileu in the office of the clerk of District court in and for the County of ree State of Minnesota and to serve a copy of your answer thereto upon the subscriber Peterson at his office in the City of Albert Lea Minnesota ip said county within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you exclusive of the Rood Olene Hauge Rood A Rood Oscar Rood Maria Thompson Jennie Nelson Jose iphine JDammen and all father per sons unknown claiming jany right title estate interest or lien in the real estate described in the com plaint herein Defendants Notice is hereby given tiat an ac tion has been commenced in the above named court by above named plaintiff against tjhe above named defendants the object of which is to obtain a judgment that the plaintiff is the owner in fee free clear and discharged of any right title estate claim interest or lien of the defendants and each of them in cluding the persons unknown to the following described real eptale situ ated in the County of reeborn and State lot Minnesota to wit: The southeast quarter (SEJ) of the southwest quarter section twenty five (25) township one hun dred two (102) north range twenty one (21) west and the northeast quarter (NED 'f the northwest quar ter (NW1!) section thirty six (36) township one hundred two (102) north range twenty one (21) west of the 5th PM And that the said defendants and each of them including the defend ants unknown have no rigit title in terest or estate therein or lien there on Dated March Even Nelson Mathias Nelson A I Pettingill Adelbert retungiu Warren Gilbert warren vmuei Mary A Pettingill Edmund Hos tetter Nancy Hostetter II Hostetter Osce Hayden Lottie Hayden Wiffing Wadsworth Jacob Ly 'Brand Samuel Thompson Emma Thompson Susannah 41L Wilson Henry Ly Brand Mar garetta Ly Brand Cornelia Ly Brand Margaretta Ly Brand Joseph iSmjth Jacob Smith Elvin Smith Walter' Smith Joseph Smith Anne Smith Catherine Mt Kelly Mrs Harriet ley Daniel Goodrich Christen RoodrJohn Rood Mary Rood "A 4 descendants from prize wnmeiD at Des Moines sow 1917 and Panama Exposition San rancisco 1915 ex tra layers extra weight and thrifty Noland Hayward Minn phone 208 78 tfc OR SALE Small farm near city limits Part trade if desired A Oppegaard 905 22 tfc OR arms acreage modern and semi modern homes Loeffler Stadheim phone 68 221 Home In vestment Bldg 72 tfc OR ine 80 acre farm Lo cated in one of the most progressive dairying districts of Wisconsin Good buildings 35 acres field 15 more cleared 10 meadow Good soil and good surface All improve ments necessary orchard fences well timber 6 miles from railroad town $5000 $1000 down Write A Tollefson armers( Mer chants Savings Bank Luck Wis Ask about our 73 12c OR SALE Choice pure bred Rhode Island" Red Eggs for hatching Brown Albert Lea Minn phone 367 62 tfc OR White Plymouth Rock Eggs for hatching Call 698 78 tfc Waitress at Rock Island Lunch Room 83 3c WANTED Day cook at Enterprise Cafe1 Mrs Zada Connor 82 tfc SUMMONS State of Minnesota County of ree born District Court Tenth Judi cial District John Stiles rTravis Alva A Bradley Alva Brad Even Nelson Mathias Nelson A EVENf rONDAsC? clothiers jjj EVERYTriiNG OR MEN TO EAR I Icmace Jan Paderewski KciiBn rremic Who took Nuxated Iron when Wai in a weak and run down con dition and needed something to build up strength and energy Dr Kenneth Mac Alpine says: "If peo would only realize that iron is jastw indispensable to the blqod as is air to tat lungs and be just as particular about Keeping up a sufficient supply at all times there would in my opinion be far less disease re sulting from antemic weakened conditions Iron by enriching the blood and creating new blood cells strengthens the nerves rebuilds the weakened tissues ana mra rne wnoic voung or old OVdkVIU VSMWVM'XO In my opinion Nuxated Iron is the most valuable tonic strength and" blood builder can pico'tiuii Competent girl for genera housework Mrs Peterson 515 ountain St 82 tfc WANTED Housekeeper and compan ion for elderly woman Address Box No 362 Local 83 5c Middle aged woman to care for invalid in private home Good wages Address care Tribune 83 tfc WANTED To do garden plowing and hauling ashes Carl jeldberg 401 Summer St 383 83 5c WANTED Painting of all kinds kal eomining and decorating A Robinson 919 Madison St 86 aftei6 or before 8 a 81 6c OR Airdale dog about a year old A perfect dog Art Jensen 04 0C OR Modern Apartment ivtay 1st Dr Rodli 77 ttc 1 urnished Rooms Houses OR SALE 7 room house at a bar gain Inquire Albert Lea State Bank 80 6c Waitress and kitchen girl good wages Cafe 7 83 tfc Competent girl for general housework Apply 821 Jefferson St I 83 6c tiring work for Poland overtaxed liis strength and impaired hit health had recourse to Nuxated Iron to help rebuild his wasted forces and restore his old time health and strength 1 the trcmendouR etraln rosrd by over two year of almost i of rtn is tilCr land of which he is the fpremoct figure today it is easily understood why ae wski sought the sustaining tome benent of Nuxated Iron" says Dr Sullivan formerly physician of BeUerue Hosriial (Outdoor Dept) New the Westchester County Hospital jLack ot iron in the blood not only makes a man a nyhsical and mental weakling nervous ir itable easily fatigued but it utterly robs i thim of the virile that stamina and ill which are so necessary to success and power in every walk of life helps to instill renewed energy Thousands of nicn and women are impairing eysteni whether the patients be ennsifntions laving tnemseivea opcu i to Illness and literally losing their grip on health simply because their blood is thinning physician can prescribe out and possibly starring through lack ofv Jf you are not strong or well you owe it Iron Iron is absolutely essential to enable t0 yonrseif to make the following test: See vour Wood to transform the food vnu eat how long you can work or how far you Into muscular tissue and brain Without walk without becoming tired Next take two iron there is no strength vitality na en five grain tablets of ordinary durance to combat obstacles or withstand three times per day after meals tor two severe help make strong sturdy weeks Then test your strength again ana snen of blood and iron there is nothing aee how much you have gamea better than organic Nuxated Iron KraSed Iron wMeh weom Mr Paderewski savs: "Lam using Nuxated mended bow i not were tot whieii to Iron very frequently end consider it asan excellent tome mto them nornpttk A prominent York Surgeon and The Tormer Adjunct Professor of the Nr York eBuni Mfrr Post Graduate Medical School Hospital i SokLln tills City by SPICER and WM LUECK Drugflitt KEEP LOOKING YOUNG If You Know Dr Edwards Olive Tablets The secret of keeping young is to fee! young to do this you must watch your liver and bowels no need of: having a sallow complexion dark rings under your eyes pimples a bilious look in your face dull eyes with no sparkle Your doctor will tell you ninety per cent of all sickness comes from in active bowels and liver Dr Edwards a well known physician in Ohio perfected a vegetable com pound mixed with olive oil to act on the liver and bowels which he gave to his patients for years Dr Edwards Olive Tablets the substi tute for calomel are gentle in their action yet always effective They bring about that exuberance of spirit that natural buoyancy which should be enjoyed by everyone by toning up the liver and clear ing the system of impurities You will know Dr Edwards Olive Tab lets by their olive color 10c and 25c per box All druggists OR Large Carey Safe Ameri can Gas Machine Company 77 tfc i6BELLrANS Hot water Sure Relief fADEREWSKI MasterPianist and Nation Maker Uses Nuxated Iron To Obtain Renewed Energy Power and fcnoursncQ Dr Kenneth Mac Alpine for 1 6 Year adjunct Jrroreaaor new i orth medical ochooi unu I tai Say That In Hi Opinion Nuxated 1 Iron The Kost Valuable Tonic Strength and Blood yui'ior Any irirpiuiun i Can Prescribe Ignace Jan Paderewski one of I the greatest musical geniuses of the age at when his un Warren Gilbert Warren Gilbert Mary A Pettingill Edmund Hos tetter Nancy Hostetter Hostetter Osce Hayden Lottie Hayden Wiffing Wadsworth Jacoby Ly Brand Samuel Thompson Emma Thompson Susannah Wilson Henry Ly Brand Mar igaretta Ly Brand Cornelia Ly Brand Margaretta Ly Brand Joseph II Smith Jacob Smith jElvin Smith Walter Smith Joseph Smith Anne Smitn Catherine Kelly Mrs Harriet Travis Alva A Bradley Alva Brad ley Daniel Goodrich Christen J' Rood John Rood Mary Rood Rood Olene Hauge Rood A Rood Oscar Rood Maria Thompson Jennie Nelson Jose iphine Dammen and all other per 'ffsons unknown claiming any right title estate interest or lien in the real estate described in the com plaint herein Defendants The State of Minnesota to the Above Named Defendants: You and each of you are hereby summoned and required to answei the complaint of the plaintiff in the above entitled action which is filed in the office of the clerk of District Court in and for the County of ree iborn and State of Minnesota and to serve a copy of your answer thereto upon the subscriber Peterson at his office in the City of Albert Lea Minnesota in said county within twenty days after the service ot this summons upon you exclusive of the day of such service and it you idii answer the couiplamt of the plain un: within the time aforesaid the plain tiff will apply to the court tor uie lief demanded in the complaint Dated March 20th 1919 7 PETERSON Attorney for Plaintiff Albert Lea Minnesota i State of Minnesota County of ree born District Court Tenth Judi cial District general work 84 3c WANTED 4 or 5 tractor men I Apply 425 Home Investment Bldg 82 tfc Men at Wedge Nursery Truck leaves City Hall at 6:30 a I 84 4c OR City home reasonable terms Whelan 121 Broad way 77 tfc OR Modern house close in Price and terms night Alfred Cas sem 582 80 tfc OR SALE House on corner of rank and 6th partly modern price $300000 Call 450 83 3c OR My property and modern residence in North Albert Lea Call 655 or see me personally Miss Tennis 83 3c OR SALE Houses and lots' on easy terms Own your own home and save yourself from worrying about moving out on 30 days notice Hellie Bros 71 tfc OR My 3 story brick build ing No Broadway House on Alice' St Number fine lots in North Albert Lea Call 421 2 or see Clausen 4 81 tfc A man to take care of gar age during the night Inquire for Blood Motor Inn Co 84 tlc i emale Help Girls Johnson Laundry I 64 tfc OR Three full blooded Duroc red brood sows due to farrow in May One two year old sorrel' geld ing Eggs for hatching from strong laying strain full blooded I Reds $100 for 15 special price on larger lots A Jerlow 2 Al bert Lea Lerdal phone 84 2c Poultry OR Red Eggs for hatching 920 67 tfc OR SALE Barred Plymouth Rock Eggs incubator lots a specialty Ott Bros Phone Emmons Local 68 tfc OR Pure Bred Rhode Island Red eggs for hatching Mrs Alfred Berglund Albert Lea Minn 1407 OR White Orpington eggs for hatching stock bred to standard i winnerR at VS Adelbert Pettingill day of such service and if you fail to answer the complaint of the plaintiff within the time aforesaid the plain tiff will applyto the court for the re lief demanded in the complaint Dated March 20th PETERSON Attorney for Plaintiff Albert Lea Minnesota NOTICE LIS PENDENS State of Minnesota County of ree born District Court Tenth Judi District William Nelson Amelia Johnson 'Christian Nelson Julius Nel son Julia Ramsey Eva Storvick Ida Abbe Mabel Nelson Chester Nelson Guy A Nelson I Eddie Nelson Plaintiffs A vs Reuben Hill Pauline Hill Even Nel son Evan Nelson Nelson his wife A Johnson Johnson Ills wife A Hill Lucinda A Hill Harvey Hill Mathias Nelson Agnetha Nelson Mathias Nelson Nelson his wife Elizabeth Gulbrandson Christian Nelson John Nelson! Ole Nelson Al bert Nelson Elina Nelson and Agnetha Nelson and also other per sons unknown claiming any right title estate interest or lien in the vooi GRtatp described in me plaint herein Defendants Notice is hereby given that an ac tion has been commenced in the above named court by the above nam Gd nl a intiffs against the above named i which is tn detenaants tut? uujvcc wi obtain a judgment that the plaintiffs are the owners in fee free clear and discharged of any right title estate claim interest or lien of the defend ants and each of them including the persons unknown to the following described real estate situated in the County of reeborn and State of Minnesota to wit: The southeast quarter (SEi) of the southwest quarter (SWi) and the south half (iSJ) of the southeast Quar ter (SEI) section twenty six HA91 north range twenty one (21) west or tne oin ivi And that' the said defendant and each of them including the defend ants unknown have ho right title interest or estate therein or lien thereon Dated March 20th 1919 PETERSON Attorney for Plaintiff i Albert Lea Minnesota 72 3w adv I I i pf ss 1 Ji mHU II 1 1 II 1 1 1 I A elll III s3 ss I 1 llllm hMM I Ilin I IE I II if fl I B( I yl 1 Ssr SS A EE llll 4 1 I 1 A A I i i 1 Ji i 1 A A "A THE EVENING TRIBUNE ALBERT 1 1 EEs 'u lEE I tu EEE mi' A IK Jk I A A Z'G zzz lifmv i a I MMMLh JOfi Ji9 MH lining Minnesota A i i I 'vii Wfi.
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- Pages Available:
- 514,481
- Years Available:
- 1897-2011