The Albert Lea Tribune from Albert Lea, Minnesota (2024)

002 THE EVENING TRIBUNE, Of Interest to June Brides OUR IDEAL FOUR-ROOM OUTFIT As Advertised Tuesday, This Week COME AND SEE IT! Here's a Brief Description of the pieces that go to make up this ideal -Room Outfit LIVING ROOM Karpen Davenport and Wing Chair, luxurantly upholstered with Karpenesque cushions and covered with fine Baker Velour. Bridge Lamp, pretty polychrome iron standard with colorful hand decorated Velvetex shade. End Table, Tudor style, mahogany finish. DINING ROOM A handsome walnut suite consisting of Buffet, Oblong Table, Arm Chair and five Side, Chairs, all with blue leather seats. Or a choice of tapestry seats if desired.

BED ROOM The suite we have selected for the Bed Room is ideal in that it will serve both for the Masters room or Guest chambers. The finish is of soft leather enamel over hare maple, with French basket decoration in polychrome colors on foot end of bed. Bow End Bed, Chest Drawers, Dresser and Rocker comprise the suite along with a 50 lb. layer felt cotton mattress, and sagless spring. THE KITCHEN For the Kitchen Is a three door side icing refrigerator, a Hoosier Porcelain Top Table, white a enamel chair and a three burner pressure gasoline stove with high back.

A Four-Room Outfit we are proud to offer--not a cheap outfit by any means. We featuring it so as to show that it does not cost a small fortune to buy the necessary furniture for the average home of today. DISPLAYED ON THIRD FLOOR SILK LINGERIE Lovely Crepe de Chine Lingerie in the newest pastel shades, trimmed with dainty lace edges and inserts. Chemise-Gowns and Sets $2.50 and up Lace Cloth, Silk mixture, lace. trimmed--a lovely -Corset Section, 2nd Floor Closed All Day MAY 30th Memorial Day Fixed Plots- -Many Albert Lea people chose last night to go to the cemetery and make the lots ready for Decoration Day.

The cemetery looks very beautiful today as the grass has been nicely cut and practically all of the graves have been put in readiness with flowers or plants. Some Crowd--The late tax payer found himself in some crowd this morning, when he visited the court house. The long line of taxpayers, wishing to pay taxes today, extended out of the treasurer's office into the hall, and nearly to the outside door of the court house. County Treasurer Rodsater and his assistants were hard put to handle the crowd and feel that they have indeed earned tomorrow's holiday. Entertained- -P.

C. Sorenson president of the Clarks Grove creamery, entertained the creamery board, the buttermaker and their wives on Wednesday, May 20, at his home west of Clarks Grove. During the evening further plans for the entertainment program during the thirty-fifth birthday anniversary of the creamery, were made. It was decided that all bring their own lunch. Free coffee will be served one hour at noon.

During the evening at the Sorenson home a two-course dinner was served. Graduate Tonight--High school seniors have been in a turmoil of excitement all day. Tonight they will graduate from high school at the commencement exercises at the Broadway Theatre. A fine program has been planned for the occasion. The high school orchestra will give several numbers and Dr.

Ross L. Finney of the University of Minnesota will speak to the 108 graduates. Final meetings of the various classes and grades were held early this afternoon for the purpose of giving out grades and report cards. Many of the teachers and the out-of-town pupils left today for their homes, ALBERT LEA. MINN.

CA SORTS 2 FOR THE JUNE BRIDE Assembled on our shelves are all the lovely things to make this important event an unforgettable one. From the tiny wisp of a lace handkerchief to the wedding gown itself, she will find here everything she needs, both for the wedding ceremony and the wedding trip. Trousseau, traveling costume, and the vast array of gifts for the bride- each rarely beautiful yet distinguished by moderation in pricing. Georgette Frocks Traveling Outfits Lovely Georgette and Chiffon Frocks either printed or plain in the new shades are most appropriate for the Maid of Honor or the wedding guests. In traveling, one thinks of the most practical of all for this purpose.

You have a choice this season of either the lovely long tailored suit or the colorful ensembles. $18.50 to $29.50 $29.50 and up -Ready-to-Wear Section, 2nd Floor Skinner Chamberlain Co. EVERYTHING TO EAT. WEAR AND FURNISH THE HOME Shower Last Night Fifty friends and neighbors gathered at the Carl Behrends home Thursday night for a shower in honor of Miss Alvina Peterson, who become the bride of Victor Nelson of London, in June. Many beautiful gifts were presented to Miss Peterson and a lunch was served.

Went to Marshalltown-Mrs. Lud Peterson and daughter, Lila Rose, Mrs Earl Casey and Mrs. Paul Schneider of this city are in Marshalltown, where they will attend graduation exercises tonight. The sister, Lila Darling is a member of the graduating class at Marshalltown. Back From Blair--Rev.

H. W. Bondo returned to the city late last night after attending a business session of the Blair, college. Rev. Bondo says that the frost has done more damage to fruit and other crops in southern Iowa than in our section of Minnesota.

He also states that it is more dry. Program Sunday Night- The following program will be given Sunday night by the Epworth League at the Methodist church at 7 o'clock: Victory Song, led by Charles Dilling; Epworth Herald Day, Vernon Larson; Piano Duet, Mrs. D. 0. Blood and Mildred Martin.

Talk -W. P. Sturtz. Solo, Charles Dilling. Benediction and Doxology.

Good Condition--Minnesota's trunk highway system as a whole is in good condition for Memorial Day travel, as reported in a bulletin issued today by the state highway department. Predictions are for unusually heavy travel this weekend, the numbers of holiday parties on the highways being swelled by hundreds of fishermen, the season on bass, crappies and sunfish having opened today in the southern half of the state. Prospects for abnormal traffic prompted highway officials to urge extraordinary precautions I against accidents, PAGE THREE MAY 29, 1925 "Isn't it queer how an itchy place will start on one's anatomy just where he can't get at it? For two days I have been trying to strike a spot with my rough tongue just below the front of my neck. So far I miss it by about an, eighth of an inch. You human fellows who have had the same sensation between your shoulder blades, know just how irritating such a spot really is.

What I started out to tell you today was the little incident which took place last Wednesday in the west part of the county. The Tribune subscription solicitor, Mr. LaKaus, learned that there was a family out there that didn't take the Tribune. He im mediately jumped into is Baby (Ford) Packard and was soon at the farm. He met the man of the place at the front door.

"I understand you don't take the Albert Lea Tribune," was Mr. LaKaus' question. 'No I indignantly replied this man, 'and furthermore I don't take a single paper of any sort! I did take one paper- once and my daughter spent too much time from her work reading the thing. I have got my girl broken into working all day now, and I don't want to get her out of the Think of that! And this man is American born- with no paper in his home! I really feel sorry for this girl who is just seventeen years of age but I feel more sorry for a man who thinks only of the toil he can get out of his daughter. I'll bet his wife is a slave.

Goodbye until next Monday. Don't forget to remember the dead tomorrow." The Weather Partly overcast and somewhat tonight and Saturday; unsettled tonight and Saturday; tion Saturday. Yesterday 68; last night 45; today noon 76. Casino Saturday Brandt's. 126-2r Used protectograph, in good condition, $3, Albert Lea Publishing Co.

123-tf On Business- -Attorney Frank G. Sasse of Austin was a business visitor in Albert Lea on Thursday. Marriage License- May 28th a marriage license was granted to Casper Dyrhovd and Lula Dows, both of Worth county Ia. Memorial Address- -Rev. J.

B. Lyle will make a Memorial address at the cemtery west of Oakland village Saturday morning at 9:30. Went to Ellendale- Miss Anna Rice of Albert Lea has gone to Ellendale to stay a week. Two Carloads--John Peterson of the Minnesota Lumber Co. of Albert Lea shipped two large carloads of lumber to Austin last week.

The lumber is to be used to build a large barn on one of the Mower county farms near Austin. To Montevideo- Rev. I. Fredmund left early Friday morning for Montevideo, where he will attend the Danish-Norwegian conference of Minnesota, held this week with the Sparta church. He expects to return Monday morning.

In his absence Rev. A. P. Nielsen will fill the pulpit at the Danish Baptist church. To Build Bungalow E.

W. Claytor, this city, will on Monday next start building a fine bungalow on his lot on Fourth street. Recently he purchased the lot just east of the Seth Chamberlain home of Mr. Chamberlain. Mr.

Claytor will move his family to the new place as soon as the bungalow is completed. Mayor Hits Ford -Frank Faville, Mayor of Albert Lea, struck a Ford touring car yesterday afternoon with his big Buick. The accident took place at the intersection of Washington and West Main streets. The Mayor wa's going west down the hill when the Ford car started to cross the intersection going north on Washing. ton.

The Buick nosed the Ford car off the street onto the boulevard. The Ford escaped with slight damage but the Buick was considerably scarred about the radiator and front fenders. No one was injured. BUSINESS LOCALS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Albert Lea Lodge No. 88 Degree of Honor will meet Mon.

eve. June 1st in the D. B. S. Hall.

Members please don't forget. 127-1a Members American Legion meet at court house at 8:45, tomorrow morning to take part in parade. 127-18 V. of F. W.

Aux. members desiring to attend Memorial services at the bridge meet at court house at 8:30 otherwise assemble for parade at court house at 9 o'clock. 127-1a Monday evening June 1st the A. 0. U.

W. lcage No. 71 will initiate large class into the Order. A social time will be given after the business meeting and all members are urged to be present. The members of the Degree of Honor with their friends and husbands, are cordially invited.

127-la Casino Saturday Brandt's 126-2r Is in City--John Koch of Mankato is in Albert Lea today transacting business at the Geo. E. Brett store. From Ellendale-Mrs. A.

Lerberg and daughters, Ruth and Josephine, from Ellendale were Albert Lea callers yesterday. Will. Speak--Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, at the Presbyterian church, Riley will speak on the recent the general assembly, Thomson, held this week at Columbus, Ohio. Is In Rochester--Fred Peterson of Manchester, who has been taken to Rochester on account of illness, is reported to be about the same today. His wife is at Rochester with him.

Cabbages, tomatoes, celery, cauliflower, peppers, sweet potatoes, ground cherries, geraniums, pansies, vincas, petunias, asters, foliage, daisies, salvias, etc. Hillerest Gardens Phone 1212. 119-tfr Memorial Address -Dr. Rev. Martin Anderson will go to Winnebago Saturday to give the Memorial Day address.

The celebration is held under the auspices of the American Legion Post. NO PAPER TOMORROW. The Tribune will not be published tomorrow (Saturday.) This will give the employees as well as the employers an opportunity to observe the day. Go to Twin Cities Mr. and Mrs.

A. G. Scheuer of Park left today for the Twin Cities to spend the weekend. They will visit the graves of Mrs. Scheuer's parents in the Stillwater cemetery, Memorial Day, and will visit their son, Darwin, in St.

Paul Sunday. Has Returned--Riley Thomson has returned to. Albert Lea after a ten days absence. Mr. Thomson was one of two delegates from Winona Presbytery to attend the meeting of the general assembly held at Columbus, 0.

Rev. Walter Rothwell of Fairmont was the other delefiate, from the Presbytery. Get Ready--Albert Lea merchants show their patriotic spirit in the way they have been preparing the showk windows for Memorial Day. Practically all of the windows show one or more flags, and in some of the windows, the patriotic note is carried even further, with pictures or war relics displayed. Goes to Los Angeles- Miss Ruth Berntson, younger sister of the two Berntson boys, photographers, is spending a few days in Albert Lea en route to California from the Twin Cities.

Miss Berntson arrived Wednesday night and will leave for the west Saturday. She will go directly from this city to Los Angeles, where she will be the guest of a school friend, who now makes her home there. See This, Tonight A. S. Moreau, field representative of the American Red Cross, will give a demonstration in life-saving this evening on Broadway.

This will be instructive: as well as interesting, and all should. witness it. It is every body's, duty to learn all he can of these vital methods of the preservation of life. Such knowledge may be the means of saving a life dear to you. The demonstration will take place at 7:30.

Fine Time A good time "was had" by all who attended the parochial school picnic held at Edgewater Park yesterday. At noon a fine picnic dinner was enjoyed from the tables in the park and besides games and stunts, a number of kittenball games were staged, one between the high school boys and grade and one between the high school girls and the grade girls. Two hundred and fifty pupils and their parents were present. Passed Through- -This morning, one of the strangest tourists ever passing through Albert Lea, was noted in a parked on the north side of the car court house. The traveler was none other than a brown owl, perched on the back of the rear seat of a sedan.

The owl was being taken from Hinckley, to Virginia, where he is to be placed in the park. Already the bird has been on the journey for two days. He gives his present owner no trouble at all, and fares well on a diet of meat. Many people are planning upon going to Interlaken Park, Fairmont, for the opening day on Sunday, May 31st. Free attractions have been booked for this day and there will be admission charge to the Park.

no Cato's Vagabonds, the famous Interlaken Park Orchestra will be back again for the season with eight musicians and will play an afternoon and evening concert for the public. Regular dances will be held on ever, wed. Fri. and Sun. evenings.

124-4r Beautiful Gift--Yesterday morning, Mrs. F. F. Walton of 211 Ermina St. was the recipient of a beautiful gift from 0.

C. Hayden, who is in Alvin, Tex. When the package arrived it looked very ordinary, but after the many wrappings had been undone, it was that the brown paper covered a gorgeous bouquet of pink jasmine straight from Texas. Mrs. ton was delighted, as she at one time made her home in Texas, and is familiar with the pretty pink blossoms.

The delicate flowers had been packed so carefully that they were in perfect condition on arrival in Albert Len. Mrs. Walton shared the flowers with others of Mr. Hayden's friends. Gifts for the June Bride Gifts that are most appropriate for the wedding.

We are offering just a few suggestions from our large stock of gift items. You will find lovely gifts in all of our many departments which cannot be listed here. SILVERWARE The premier gift for weddings. A most complete showing of 1847 Rogers Brothers Silverware- Ancestoral Pattern Anniversary Pattern Ambassador Pattern Heirloom Plate-100 year guarantee The lovely Cardinal Pattern Mayfair and La France Patterns Wm. Rogers Song, -2nd Floor, North Building CRYSTAL GLASS TABLEWARE Sparkling crystal glassware to delight the eye of every Bride Fostoris Goblets, set of 6.

$3.75 to $5,00 New Amber Stemware, Goblets and Footed Tumblers, each 590 COLORED GLASSWARE AND POTTERY Including a large variety of Choice Gift Items Oriental Vases, 12 inches high $2.40 Satin Glassware 60c and up All Copper Utensils for Kitchen and Table. Aluminum--An Ideal Gift. Enameled Ware--Pure white for kitchen use. Pyrex- Casseroles, and cooking dishes are delightful gifts. Gold Encrusted China One piece or a full set, Studio decorated and gold encrusted -China Section, 2nd Floor LINENS, the Ideal Gift for the June Bride From our large stock of Fancy Linens you can select numerous pieces or sets that are sure to please and long be remembered.

Italian Hand Embroidered Linens New designs in imported Italian Embroidery and combination cut work. Natural shades. These come in centers from 6 45 inch. Oblongs--In 6x9 to 24x36 inch. In 9x14 and 12x18 inch.

Scarfs-36 and 45 inch. Towels-14x22 inch. Luncheon Sets and Odd Napkins- priced reasonably. -Displayed on Aisle Table near Elevator (Main Floor) ALL LINEN PATTERN CLOTHS Snowy White, Pure Linen Cloths, fine double Damask, medium weight with napkins to match. Patterns, Chrysantheum, Rose, Scroll, Lily of the Valley and Cornflower.

Sizes- 70x70 inch $7.95 70x88 inch $10.00 Napkins to match, 22x22 inch, per doz. $8.50 LUNCHEON AND BRIDGE SETS Italian Cut Work, 36 inch cloth. Four 14 inch Napkins $9.75 WAFFLE SET 45 inch Cloth and six Napkins. White Ground, Blue and Gold design. Set $3.50 TEA SET 36 inch Cloth and dozen, 14x14 inch Napkins.

Natural Linen, Hemstitched with colored stripe border $3.95, -Linen Section, Main Floor Open Friday Evening, May 29, Until 10 o'clock Remodel House--The Hurd house on the corner of Clark and Elizabeth streets is being remodeled and redecorated by A. H. Comstock of this city. The work will take from two or three weeks. Investigate Matter--Wednesday, Albert Lea was favored by from a number of the aldermen from Blue Earth.

The visitors made their visit for the purpose of investigating the method used in Albert Lea for keeping the creosote pavement in order. Picnic the 4th night at the regular meeting of the Danish Brotherhood lodge, a committee was appointed to make arrangements for a picnic to be held June 4thh, at JugJans. All members of the D. B. S.

lodge and their families are invited to be present at the picnic. A-7 o'clock supper will be served and plans are being made for entertainment. Fishing Trip Early this morning, Christ Jensen, Dr. H. E.

Rieke, Ed. ward Knatvold and Charle Morrison, left for the northern part of the state on a fishing trip. They will spend Saturday at Winnebigoshish dam, and will then drive to Outing for a brief stay at the Knatvold camp, returning to Albert Lea Sunday night. They made the trip in Mr. Jensen's car.

Arrived Thursday--Mrs. Earl Hunt arrived in Albert Lea Thursday for a short visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.

Murtaugh, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt, who have been spending, the winter in Mexico City stopped on the trip north to visit Mr. Hunt's folks at Belle Plain, Ia.

Mr. Hunt went from there to Chicago where he will work with his orchestra, for the summer, under the direction of the Ernie Young Corporation, starting Saturday. Mrs. Hunt will join her husband in Chicago, after her stay in Albert Lea. She reports that the party greatly enjoyed the stay In Mexico City.

From Rake, Mr. lius Engelby of Rake, ors in Albert Lea Attended Wedding Mr. and Mrs. George Mayme Doyle of this Chester, they ding of a cousin, Miss of Chester, to John Start advertising in brings results. and Mrs, were visitThursday.

Wednesday, Bagan and Miss city went to attended the wedMae Granaham Barnes of St. Paul The Tribune. It Second Coat--The second coat of paint was put on at the Palace Furniture company today. Go to St. Paul-Mr.

and Mrs. Chris Anderson of Hollandale spent a short time in Albert Lea today on their way to St. Paul, where they will spend Memorial Day with Mr. Anderson's nephew and his wife, of St. Paul.

-Mr. and, Mrs. Anderson expect to return home Sunday night. Theatres. Tonight BROADWAY RIVOLI HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION "MY WIFE All Seats ReservedEXERCISES AND From the Novel by Tomorrow- Saturday HARRIET BEECHER STOWE DAY with DECORATION IRENE RICH Rupert Hughes HUNTLY JOHN ROCHE GORDON screen CONSTANCE BENNETT scream JOHN HARRON Monty Banks ComedyExcuse Goldwyn "TWO HOOT TOO In SATURDAY GIBSON MANY" And An Our Gang Comedy "LET 'ER BUCK".

The Albert Lea Tribune from Albert Lea, Minnesota (2024)


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

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Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.