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- Publication:
- The Albert Lea Tribunei
- Location:
- Albert Lea, Minnesota
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- 5
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TUESDAY APRIL 22 1924 PAGE IVE BLAZE TODAY SWING WEDNESBAY MM i i wl 4 iyso clucel sizes only Suits of Most of oiir Best Suits in COME EARLY OR BEST SELECTION if 1 and OBITUARY in bv 4 52 td 'i NEW MAYOR OR Quality Bread AND Smith PUBLICITY boys Quality Bread THE STUDY CLUB At your QUALITY BAKERY uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiuniriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiniiiliiigr A to to ft IS was conducted by Rev on Thursday April 2nd irom the Bisbee Iuih The Masonic broth en GRAIN 151 a year Neither cut prices sensational nor a single trick of the trade accounts for the bigrsuc cess of Berndt Prop 113 So Newton Phone 690 1 4 fe greatly missed by his business' Mx Christie his many friends Irom 98 97 36 54 62 62 50 to fi15 to 600 ALBERT LEA LIVE STOCK Reported daily by thb Albert Lea Packing company Prime hogs Packers Calves Just out and out quality the story in a nutsheik JOHN HANco*ck MUTUAL Life Insurance Co Boston Massachusetts ERWIN RUHSAM Special Agent Armstrong Building 2 1 MORKKN ITIfC PROO 210 560 ALBERT LEA POULTRY EGG MARKET urnished a ch day by Now lie is silently jesting 1 I i me snrouuea demur life The traffic out' of Washington up galtARive mustbe something enor mous 1 1 1 Mf i1 (By Associated Press) Washington April Chairman Huston Thompson 'of: the federal trade commission Ztoday laid before 4 the "'Daugherty investigation commit tee further evidence to support his testimony that antitrust cases were not properly prosecuted under Attor ney General Daugherty aften facts warning legal action had been devel oped by the commission and turned io the justice 3 a4 97 96 fire boys were called to a real down at Smith Seven men were engaged in gadran izing eggs (dipping them in an oil so lution forstorage) down in' a base ment room of the building' It i thought that the boiling oil over flowed thus eausing'the conflagration Before the men had realized what was happening "the room was fined with flaming oil Clouds of heavy smoke from the burning mixtures filled the place The1 fire department was summoned at once Tn quelling the blaze the men used water 1 About 225 crates' of eggs which were in the room were badly damaged by water smoke and heat It'is likely that at least part of the contents7 of every crate will be sal vaged bpt even then it is thought that tuejoss will be large? rIt is only due to the fact that thewalls floor and ccilingwere of cement that the entire building was not en dangered" 'This 'will be a great inconvenience as well aS a loss to the company at this time The men are already hard at work repairing the damage The iirenoy deserve credit for the prompt work they did ALBERT: STATE CREAMERY Butter is your cheapest food Oqe pound contains as much energy pro ducing'food 13 pounds of chickens Mat more of it Butter Sold at Grocers 5 lbs or more sold at Creamery 39c Quality built our success If a regular customer back us inthis statement HOUSEHOLD Representatives of all' the commit tees for Better Homes Week met at the Business League rooms last evening to make plan for tin? Better Homes Week May 11 18 The Program committee which ''in cludes advertising and publicity will probably rank first in importance It is headed by our Mrs Dominick who has had national experience the 'past year lecturing and demonstrating the House 'Beautitul The committee working with Mrs 're American Gas Machine Company Has ine Display in This Great Magazine Telling About Their Wonderful Kamp Kook Stove This Saturday Evening Post has a full page advertisem*nt for the American Gas Alachine company1 This advertisem*nt tells of the won derful Kamp Ko6k stoves put out by this? Albert Lea company The Post goes to over a million and a dialf homes each week Wheiyou consider this wide you will readily see that 1hislocal corn panv is helping in no small way in putting Albert Lea in the linlelight of ihe public This advertisem*nt in just the one issue costs the American Gas Ma chine company just: $7000 in cash Th' moaning about 9 the nre Dominick will be Day Barck Theodore Spelt Mrs Burt May Aitchioii Scott Ro bert Wedge Peterson Anton Bertleton Ilasmusson Paul Pot erstm 1 SOME GOOD BOOKS IN THE a A LIBRARY OR BOYS MflEAD WeekStaria Aprif 271 'COMMITTEE 7 more busi com comnnnion Mr A Christie "a man very highly es teemed in our community he( estab lished firm and reliable business He as one of the most i active in build ing up tour community he had a keen interest the political affairs of his state Of late robust health was failing 'him and his Last winters 'Stay' in (California did not brlngthe edsired results'1 In 1 com pany Swithhis brother ATilHam Tien drickson and aVife he hurried east anxious'1 to reach his dear ones at Bis bee but'death'sumnioned him on the way and on March the 27 th he passed away 69 ryears old His wife 't hroe ch ildreti and grand: children his ilnee brothers William? A nt amkptto and a sister way mourn' the Moss of a dear hus Mayor rank aville Has Decid ed to Turn Over the Reins of the' City to Some Boy Who Is Elected During Week SCOUT PARADE IS REVIEWED BY COOLIDGE Albert Lea is to: 'have a new mayor rank aville has decided to relin guish his authority during Week on Tuesday 29U Young blood will fake his place all been planned out by Mayor aville: who is chairman the Weekprogram for Tuesday An election will be staged by the boys of Albert Lea on that day Some boy will be Maor of Albert Lea vest ed with full authority The bgys of the city 'arq going to elect this' boyTo is Tiigh station' Who will it be? Any boy will have an opportunity to nominate some enesHe can do it(by petition AIL petitions must have sixty five (65) boy signers from the age 10 to 21 before his nanje goes on the ballot Any boy between 16 and 21 is eligible for Mayor Any boy between 10 and 21' can vote l'v The election will undoubtedly be an exciting one for we understand there is goingtto begone or more candidates from: the various wards and 'precincts of the city' The Bloody i Third al ready up and coming When these boys get to going there will probably on the moon: as well as' the Third Ward Candidates pet it ion must all be Th by 4 'm Wednesday April 23 The polls will open 1 riday and close at 3 Apiil 25 Judges and clerks shall be appointed by principal of each building 'k Now is your chance boys? go! The Mayorwill appoint his own Chief of Police and patrolman' stuff One boy says if he is elected he sis go ing to deart up the town in general if' he has to run in Mayoraville and Chief Jensen to do 'it SOUTH ST PAUL LIVESTOCK MARKET Sopth St Paul April Cattle re ceipts 2500 steady bulksteers landyearlings $750 ter $900 bulk of fat i epws $450 to $600 r'eanners and cut ters $275 to $350 bologna bulls $425 at $460 stackers and feeders slow Calf 3500 25c lower best lights $725 to $750 TIog receipts 1 2 steady to bulk desirable mixed bogs $700 bulk $705 to slaughteirplgs $650 Shtep receipts 100steady to weal: choice 1 a nibs $1 575 best light $1075? THOMPSON SAYS DAUGHERTY LAX IN TRUST CASES desirable citizen than: through the fel lowship of wisely selected' books 7 The boy is a born hero worshipper I High ideals of honor trust worthiness usefulness can often be more firmly ingrained through the admiral ion of such qualities in the character of a book than by any" amount of precept Through biography travel a and ad venture often in the form of the historical' novel like those of Scott his outlook is broadened and his whole life enriched Th Looks on the following list have been recommended and published in a recent number the Rotarian This is 'not a list of ought to be although there are many such inf the list nor does it aim to be com prehensive It simply means a few good wholesome book's that most boys enjoy reading Adventures of Tom Twain Barnabee Lee Bennett Arrow Stevenson Bob Son of OliYant King 'Ai Ed by Malory Life of Mark Paine Life of Theodore Hagedorn Buffalo Bill the Overland Trail Sabin The Call of' the Wild London Courageous Kipling 'c Life on the Wing (Air flighting 1 High Benton Heylinger Jim Davis Masefield Jungle Book Kip'ing 'Lad a Dog Terhune Last of the Mohicans Cooper Men of Iron Pyle 1 Merry Adventures of Robin Hood 'Wisdom of the Wilderness Roberts Robinson Crusoe Defoe' Scott Burton orester Cheyney Soldier Dix Story of a Bad Aldricji The Three Musketeers Dumas Toby Otis With the Indians in the Rockies Schultz Brother Underwood 51 These and many more are in1 oiirown public library and other lists are posted about the rooms from which the boys may select and the make very good selections 1 to 138 to 123 to 117 "111 113 112 71 to 72'44' to 44 61 fo 78 G0 dt 61 243 to 2 51 Week Starts April 27 brarian at Our Library Will Cater to the She Has Suggested a List of (Books Every Boy Should Read (By Associated Press') Washington April 21 President Coolidge! and members the special senate committee' jon forestry re viewed at the Whit House today a parade of Boy Scouts celebrating' the opening of the fourth 'anual orest Protection week The parade headed by Gree ley chief of the United States or est service and Colvin 1 1 Livingston national president of the Boy Scouts included about af thousand "scouts Aller the parade a pageant entitled Demon of 'orest vas given near theWashington monu ment and prizes donated by the American orestry association were awarded to Boy Scouts by Secretary Wallace NEW YORK BUTTER Reported dally by (he AJbert Lei Stat creamery: Receipts irm Special 3S 38 Extras 1 37 35f Ladles seconds to 34 Packing Stock No r128 2S No 2 T27 90 score centralized 37 IN SATURDAY EVENING POST 670 570 to 595 650 Isaac Adolph Hendrickson The following obituary was iaken from the Bisbee Gazette of Bisbee of the April 10th issue Th' de ceased is'a cousin of Charles and Mai tin Mickelson Of Albert Lea: Isaac Adolph Hendrickson born at Eidsvold Norway May 7 1855 In (the year of 1867 at the age 12 years ne emigrated' to the States with his grandparents They near Albert Lea Minn There he remained for several years His grandfather was the ideal man to Mr Hendrickson Him he loved and es teemed to the last Isaac Hendrickson was united in marriage? to Mary Slef fe in: the year xot: 1876 They had throe chil dren Emma Charlotte Isaac Oleand Anna: Marie now MrsNarveson so faVtJsably known in our community Of these three Emma Charlotte is dead first Wife died in 1880 In year 1888 he came to Bisbee and filed on homestead five miles west of town and in 1896 ho organized the General Merchandise Store with Mr Christie as business' companion 1898 Mr Hendrickson was mar ried 'to Miss Mary Aas and theydiave ome son' Isaac Martin Isaac Hendrickson possessed a rare personality lie was always cheerful andrmet 'you yith a smile and words of encouragement He seldom if ever complained' although Ijo might havu good 'reason to'dojso looked into the luture with bright bepes He war kind and willing forgive Ile i character was of 'such a kind that even Though lie was iqughly approached and riticized lie answered usual calm way with out reproach He was' a man of than ordinary' ability both as a nessman and as a farmer In pany withhis aged band father brother and counselor He will be companion in as well as ar and near The funeral Helseth ac 2: 0u eran church of Cando and Bisbee officiating ai the grave It was one' of the largest fu nerals ever held at Bisbee The cas ket being adorned with a profusion ol the most beautiful floral offerings among His was a busy The end was peaceful and calm PROPRIETOR Albert Leas Style Center Bread that is delicious and rich in nourishment Bread that gives you full worth I '4 a St' The 'Albert Lea Study Club met at the Rest Rooms Monday afternoon with Mrs HD Skinner as hostess of the day After asshort business meeting the program wa taken up as South 'America Today by Madame Mary Meighen Teaching Our Chil dren to Lie by Mrs Welland and Current News by Mrs Jorgenson Af ter the meeting Mrs Skinner served a fine lunch 'The last meeting of the year 'will beheld with Mrs Anderson instwo Weeks It surely' pays to advertise in the Tribune Yesterday the Tribune carried a story telling of the disappearance of Helmer son of? Mr and Mrs' If Johnson Euclid steret on riday April This A Callahan living on a farm east of J'win Lakes called the Tribune and sa'id: just got our Tribune arid noted that Hel mer Johnson of yowr city js "Well he is working for on the farm hee' He came here April 4 and has been working steadily When we asked him why he had not notified his folks as to where he was he did not answer wish iyou wduld tell his mother" and father he is working here afid is get tingalong nicely Now is the Time to Purchase Your Spring Suit at a Big Saving ULL PAGE AD Travelers Equitable Insurance Company Health and Accident Insurance RUHSAM Genera1 Agent MINNEAPOLIS CASH 99 cars compared with ago Northern Wheat No1 111 to 116 No I dark northern spring choice to fancy 124 (tad to choice 118 Ordinary to good 113 May Wheat July i Sept Wheat Yellow Corn' No White Oats No 3 Barley Rye No 2 lax No MASON CITY 11:00 A 12:20 PTVT 3:30 P'M 8:35 cr eates Call 934 THE EVENING 'TRIBUNE ALBERT LEA MlNN Belo Is the? Homes Com mittee Who Will ilaVe Charge i of Window Displays 5 coriimit tee having in charge the window display during BetterHomes Week May 11 to 18 will need' thecooperation of all the stores in the up town business disrtictesrhe plan is to make all the windows illustrate some phase ofbetter homes Ln some dows an entire room may bo built An effort wijl be1 made to a assign spa'ce' to architects builders lumber dealers plumbers electrical equip ment: labor saving deyices realtorsinterior decorators landscape gard ijers florists painters furniture deal ers in fact all business that has any bearing on better homesWalter Lane heads th is committee and working with him will Mr Shoe maker Harold Helgeson Robert Knatvold Elvin Peteron Andrew Haugen red Herbert Skin ner Wolgamot Severt Weum Sterisig Mickelson Al? Anderson Hanson TapagOr' Sorenson Carl Mad son( Hc'nry Sullivan Hanson Albert Haugaid A' 01 son Victor Nelson Hill i Anderson Nels Tangen' Chris Nelson Held Regular Meeting in Rest 1 Rooms Monday Afternoon LOST YOUNG MAN THIS CITY HAS BEEN LOCATED Helmer Sory of Mr and MrsH Johnson Euclid Street on arm East of Twin Lakes He Is All Right x' THOMPSON WUL TRANSER and STORAGE CO Have uncqualed facilities for Packing Moving Storing and Shipping of Household furniture Exclusive urniture Storage Largo wejl equipped Motor and Horsedrawn Vans for Local and Lonq distance Moving Office 135 East William St ALBERT LEA MINN Publicity Committee Members? for Better Hemes Week Are A1 ready cn the Job 1 EVERY SUIT IN STOCK MARKER TO I 1 CLEAR AT ONCE ALBERT LEA GRAIN AND SEED MARKET' Reported daily by? Speltz Grain Coal company: Wheat fair to good Wheat poor to fair tlats Barley Ear j3orn Shelled corn Rye I lax Timothy Ml 1 Busses Leave Hotel Albert for TWIN CITIES 7:00 AZM 9:00 AM 10:45 A 3:30 Ptyl 5:15 or urther Information ii A Jefferson' Highway Transportation a j7 4 rv y' In thri coming celebration of Week April 27 to May 3 Tuesday the second day is given to thq of education one important division is the part played by the libraries in the preparation of the citizen of thfr fu ture the boy of today Very soonin five or ten years at most the happy go lucky and mis chievous boy of the pr'esent will be the voters in whose hands will rest the wel fare of our country and bfjsociety our owm in fact This is his time of preparation un consciously probably for the life and duties ahead of shim and the time is pitiably short not nearly enough in which to learn half of the interesting things he will want to know in the busy years to come hence the neces sity of gainjng information and worthy development from every possible sdurce Where can an easier and more attract ive forni 'bf iricreasing his fund of useful knowledge and de? veloping again unconsciously life high ideals which will make of him a I Alvin Maimer Apifer Anderson Olson Chris John Larson and Walter Simonson I RIDE IN COMORT At Your Convenience Whci Going to tife Twin Cities dr Mson City Ride the Bus BOILING OIL CAUSES LOSS IN jUIIHUgilllllltllllllllllllllllillllllHIlIlllIHlIlllllllllllllMHillllllltlllllllHIIIIIlIllllt I PLUMBING ILLS and PLUMBMG BILLS? Hl iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu Hiiuiiiiiiiiniii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Accompanymany jobs although' the ordinary wear and 'tear of usage is but little Being an entirely "assembled so much depends on the manner of installation and workmanship in all its details' in plumbing and 4 heating i We furnish the betteri'grade of materials fixtures boilers electric pump outfits water softeners etc on the closest margin Am 'r Call 212 for estimates or needed repairs MEHL 104 Broadwav tr ALBERT LEA Smith Wright "Company Loses Money in Blaze Caused by Burning Oil A group or higher prn box Goat suits greatlv 13 caiavi Jduuiuu A fm fine quality educed iJ'' stock hand tailored of fine quality twill ba 1 1 nA I A HMHWS aS 1 1 1 II 4 hS 'iSBwir Wr Ax I "i 'TW Iwfi 1 A feRfi "I gfktigs i I ifr spA yRI ki 1 11 i I I fu? I 1 aaH 1 EatAi MllIllllllllllllllllllIllillflllllinililllllllllliatllVIllllMllf ItltlllllllVIllMIIIIIIIIIIHr hr uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiinihT A 8 s' 4 4 Iww Wright company Price paid today: No 1 eggs 18 No 2 eggs 14 Heavy Hens 17 Light Hens 12 Roosters 13 1 I.
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